Alden Richard Faulkerson is a successful architect, the quintessential office hunk who breaks women's hearts because............. Surprise! He's gay. Nicomaine Dei Mendoza is the corporate IT Girl with a bad reputation but a good heart. The two ar...
Good early morning peeps, I am buzzed from all the photos of Alden in Paris! I love how he was well-received there and even celebrities have been having photos taken with him. I am so proud, my A-Leaning heart is so happy. Maine must be really proud of him too, so wishing she was there with him, but it's understandable why she had to stay here.
Anyway, this is actually a two chapter reveal, the revelation of Alden's back story. I have goosebumps as I write this, because I don't know how you all will receive the actual reason, and if you will be able to keep reading without judging the character. May I remind you all this is just fiction, real life is really hard-hitting, and good people sometimes go through painful mistakes, but that's how they learn.
So here it is, the first part of the reveal, finally. Hope you enjoy this read :)
Throughout the drive, Alden was entertained by Maine's stories about her childhood. How she would bully her sisters to play with her because they preferred to leave her behind and talk about their crushes with friends. When that didn't work, she would lock herself up in her room and play alone, using the blankets to design gowns with sashes and belts her mom kept in the closets, pretending to be a princess waiting for her prince to save her.
She read a lot, mostly romantic stuff that gave her a rather unrealistic view of what an ideal lover should be. She began writing poetry in her high school years, graduating to short stories later on, and succeeded in getting some of them published.
"Do you still have some of the stuff you've written?"
"Yes I do, why?"
"Would you allow me to read it?"
"Oh my goodness no. It's actually crappy."
"You're just being hard on yourself."
"I have such a distorted view of what an ideal man is like. Halos hindi na siya tao. Maybe that's why my relationships never work. I'm a hopeless romantic."
"What exactly are you expecting from a man, anyway?"
"Hmmm.....I just want him to understand me. I have my moods, sometimes I need to be alone and it isn't because he did anything wrong, I just have days like that. I want him to want to be with me, not to have sex , but just enjoy my company. I want him to see me beyond what I look like, because you know, my looks can fade and what happens then?"
He was quietly absorbing what she said, and it pleased him that she was not shallow. Her yearning for a man to accept her for what she really was, more than her looks, was touching. He felt the same way, he wanted to be loved beyond what he looked like. He wanted to be accepted for what was inside him, more than what he could offer in bed.
"Did I turn you off? You're so quiet, Alden."
"Maine.......alam mo, I just realized we have so much in common."
"Really? How?"
"Problema ko rin yan, being accepted for who I really am. I modelled for a while for a clothing brand, pero di ko kinaya yung industry. The obsession with looking good turned me off. And the girls liked being dated by whoever was popular at the moment. So difficult to see who really liked me genuinely. I stopped after only six months. The money was good though."
She took his hand and squeezed.
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