Chapter 36 - Back to Reality

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Early morning update mga bes. Had an early start so that I can make one more update later. We're getting closer to the confrontation that some of you are looking forward to, while some dread it. As I keep reminding you guys, just trust me :) 

There are times when people we love do stupid things, and we are sometimes tempted to throw in the towel and just give up on them.  Just when is enough ever enough? Love does so many things for us. It can make or break us, it can also push us to do things we have never done before. 

Out of love, I know that I have become braver in facing tough times, whether it was for my husband or sons. I have discovered that I am capable of becoming selfless enough to put their needs first before mine, and there is a certain satisfaction to it, especially when I see how happy they are. 

Here, Evan loves Janine for real, and he is willing to gamble till his last chance to win her for keeps. It's difficult to compete with a dream, with the one that got away (TOTGA), because most of the time, TOTGAs are more of an idealism and not a reality. But even with the risk of getting hurt, he will give it a try.

Have a great week ahead my friends, and happy reading :)

Evan was finishing up a chapter from his story when his called from the Philippines. He smiled, thinking that she would be coming home soon. He missed her, and wanted to be with her again. But the call was actually a disappointment for him.

"Hello Evan?"

"Honey, you ok? You sound distraught."

"I'm......I'm ok, Evan, just a little piqued about something. I may have to extend my stay here. My contacts have suddenly left the country and I have to wait till they return."

"What did you say this trip was for again?"

"It's for my consultancy with.....uhm....a magazine. They want me to write for them, and they asked me to come over to discuss the assignment."

"Really? Hon, isn't spending on a trip to Manila too much of a bother for just a magazine writing gig? Will it be just one assignment or a series?"

"It's a series, Evan. I wil need to stay for another week maybe. I'm so sorry."

"You want me to follow you there?"

"What? No! Chloe is with me. I'm never alone, so no need ok?"

" Ok. I miss you."

"Yeah. Miss you too. I have to run. Bye Evan."

She severed the connection before he could even say I love you.

Evan shook his head, feeling a little dejected. He knew why she went to Manila, and it was definitely not because of a new magazine assignment. She told him about her relationship with Alden years ago, and noticed how she idealized this relationship and gave it more credit than she should. He was thankful she did not lose her teaching license back then, when she had that kind of relationship with a teen. Regardless that he did it with consent, she was older and knew better.

When he met her three years ago, she was still nursing her heartbreak over Alden. He was working out in the same gym she went to, and he found her really pretty. He relentlessly pursued her until she finally relented and went out with him. They had a great time, got drunk and spent a night of steamy sex. They became inseparable after that, and Evan kind of hoped she'd get over Alden and fall for him.

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