Chapter 24

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Its getting darker outside..I just finished my works and I had to rest for a while.. I looked at my watch and its already 8:00 p.m.

I took out my phone and about to call my wife but I was stopped by seeing her selca.. Actually,I can't let her out of my mind.. I asked her to take a selca when she was eating,when go to any shop and what she was doing.

"I miss you" My fingertips ran to the call button on Y/n name.. About 7 seconds she picked the call up.

"Tae tae.." Quickly I blushed and leans back on my chair as I heard her voice calling me like that. I was smilling like an idot right now.. "Y/n-shhii..Lets go home.. I already finish my work" I spoke up while bitting my lips.

I heard she was talking with Chanhee then she spoke up again "But.. we want to eat first.. You want to join us?". "Yeahh of course" I stood up from my chair and grabbed my car keys.. "I'll wait you on the entrance okay?Just call me when you already arrive here okay?"..

With that I ended the call and entered the elevator .. Y/n already told me where did she went because I was being a policeman this morning.. I was worried about her,she's my wife and I love her so much.

At the mall...

I parked my car and I saw Y/n was waiting for me outside the mall. She was sitting on the bench while looking around. When I step out the car,many people were staring at me and the girls started to blush.. So,I just nodded and went after my wife.

They keep following me... Its kinda weird since I wore my black suit..

Y/n noticed me and waved her small hand "Here!" She mouthed. Quickly I ran to her and hugged her "I miss you baby". I keep her in my embraced while stroking her soft hair. "People are watching Tae" She tried to speak but its hard to hear.

We went inside the mall while holding hands.. We're eating and do a few stuff but its kinda uncomfortable since many people were glaring at Y/n..

In Taehyung's house

We were packing our stuff.. We'll stay at Busan about 1 week,I guess..


"Tae how about our photshoot outfit?" I asked Taehyung while put my stuff inside my luggage. "Yoongi hyung will prepare for us" Taehyung answered.

"Bring the green one please" Suddenly Taehyung yelling from his closet area. "What?Green what?" I zipped my luggage. "This" Taehyung threw me the green lingerie that he brought for me.

'That smirk why why.. Im not gonna lost my virginity at Busan'

I trew the lingerie back at him "Im not gonna bring it..Why should I?". "Then I'll be the who will bring it for you" He stared at me while crossing his arms. "Okay Kim Taehyung.. I don't wanna start a fight okay?Just give me that" I took a way the lingerie and put it nicely on my beg.

"Thats my girl" He patted my butt as I bend down to zip the beg. "Tae your hand.. You don't have your own butt?" Quickly I turned around and face him angrily. "My butt is more plump that yours" He mocking my voice and crawled on the bed.

I charge my phone beside me while rolling eyes. He was looking at my movements. "What are you staring at?" I glared at him. "Your pancake butt" Then he laughed while patted his stomach.

"I DO SQUAT OKAY I DO WORKOUT OKAY" I threw him my pillow while yelling loudly. "Are you sure?" Taehyung defend himself. "Im gonna sleep on the couch" I pouted my lips and grabbed my pillow that on Taehyung tummy but suddenly he pulled me into a hug.

"Don't be like this baby" He stroke my hair while putting me beside him. "I hate you Tae" I pushed him lightly. " I love you more baby" He winked at me and snuggled inside the blanket.

"Im the one that should turn off the light?" I pissed off while shot him a death glare. "Just go" Taehyung pushed me rapidly.

In the morning...

We already arrived at the airport 1 hour earlier. Taehyung was wearing a denim jacket same as me.. He said that I was copying him.

'Hell no'

Because of that we had a little fight when we're in the car.

He was wearing his mask and his round glasses.. He looks so adorable and handsome of course.. Taehyung didn't want his fans knew about this things that we will shoot in Busan and it must be really noisy if they knew.

"Lets get in" He held my hand as we're going to check in. Jaehyun was following us on our back. He was helping us to take care of our luggage.

After we done a little stuff. We we're sitting silently while waiting for our flight. I was listening to music and kinda jaming.. Then,I felt someone tapping my laps.. I looked up beside my left and saw Taehyung was glaring at me with his cold eyes.

"What??" I took off my earbuds and face him. "I call you about 2467 times and you didn't answer me" Taehyung crossed his legs.

'Wanna start a fight or no?' I thought to myself as I want to yell back at Taehyung but...

"Im sorry Tae..Im listening to music" I gave him my fake smile as I bit my lips. "Lets take a picture together" He took out his phone and open the camera mood.

'Seriously?He never did this before. Whats on earth?'

He took my hands and place it on his laps "Smile" He leans his head on mine. I swear Im blushing like a tomato right now.

"Are you blushing?What a cutie" He whispered to me. "Stop it" I pushed him lightly as he came closer to my face. I looked at his soft lips.. Next to his eyes..

"Look at your lips..Missing mine already?" Our nose were touched as he whispered sexily. I shooked my head rapidly means no while blushing hard.

He keep coming closer...closer.. I can felt his hot breath tickling my lips.. I closed my eyes ready for it but..

We we're stopped by the flight announcement.. We looked at each other awkwardly.. I blinked my eyes rapidly as I was clueless..

"Im waiting for it" He winked at me and stood up.

Hey readers❤Is it okay if I put a mature things in my next chapter?I should gave a warning first😂..

I just published my 3rd fanfiction yesterday and its Suga FF "BEHIND THE MASK".. Mind to check it out?

I'll try be active about updating my FF because school will start tomorrow 😭..

Thanks for reading❤Comment and vote 💕

-Admin Hanlie

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