chapter 1

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A/n this still might be shitty because this my second book buy I promise I will try to grow as an author.☝🏾ses that video up there thats my song I'm gonna use my songs for Dinah and I hope you like it bitchezzzzzzzz

I was standing on the corner with my earphones in listening to an instrumental coming up with a new rap just to pass the time. I was knocked out of my thoughts when one of my regulars Lauren or Ralph as I call her came up to me and ask for two dime bags. I went in my pocket and gave me to her in a handshake so it wouldn't look sketchy. I had been standing on this corner for god knows how long but I had to get money to take care of myself. I had no one to take care of me ever since I was 16. I had been introduced to drug dealing by my cousin masi after my parents died in a car crash and I was literally on the street. My uncle had showed me the ropes and I had been trapping harder than anybody just to get it. I had enough money to pay the rent and look like I stepped out of a magazine for fuckboys. He tried to get me to quit when I got robbed the second week I was dealing but I didnt have anything on me. I found the guy a couple days later on my block and I called my bestfriend Camila and we jumped him. After that no one messed with me after that. Other than that I had quite the reputation around here because I could rap. People repeatedly tried to get me to rap and stop dealing but I only bet on sure things and making it wasn't one so I did it for entertainment of the block. Every Friday at the rec center on the avenue I would rap for the people there because it brought us closer in a since. Today was a Friday which meant I should have been at the rec 10 minutes ago. I started running down the street and 5 minutes later made it to the rec. I greeted Mr. Hamilton the rec director and I remembered his daughter was supposed to be here today so I had to make a mental note to meet her. I ran up the steps and saw Mrs. Hamilton stalling for me and the crowd looked unamused so I went on the stage and everyone started screaming. Mrs. Hamilton thought it was for her and she got hype until I stole the mic and kissed her on the cheek. I put the mic to my mouth and said " wassup wassup sorry I'm late but duty calls" someone scoffed and said "yeah drugs" I laughed and started the song everybody knew this one because it was my favorite.
     Song-dhis dont stop
im plotting success while you plotting on my demise but your plot ain't smart enough to stop my up rise they dont won't me too hot so we can to a compromise if you stay outta my way I stay nuetralized I'm bout to do it like the swooshes cuz its do or die
Everybody always goes crazy for that line and I'm working off there energy. I performed one more song and hopped off the stage. I went to the basketball court and saw Camila balling without her shirt and Lauren watching but next to Lauren was a beautiful melanin girl. I could've sworn she was a dream so I went up on the bleachers. Lauren Stood up to give me a hug you said "Dinah this is my bestfriend normani" I just waved and then went to go play basketball with camila. She was my best friend since we were sent to the same support group. We werent like other girls. We were intersex meaning we had a penis instead of a vagina. We both had been bullied for it so when my parents were alive they made me believe I was normal and ever since then I believed it camila was just now loosing her insecurity. We were 20 and sexy most girls fell for Camila because she was socially awkward and they found it cute. People found me sexy because of my tattoos and I had the whole bad boy attitude misunderstood thing going on. She had a huge crush on Lauren and Lauren had a crush on her so they helplessly flirted. I was straight forward with my shit and I wouldn't lie to you I am kind of a player but I use protection. Camila had been playing basketball all her life and she was damn good at it but so was I. I loved a good competition sometimes we would spend hours in the gym practicing for nothing at all but just to know we had the skills. Just like now we were playing and Lauren was laying in Normani's lap waiting for Camila to walk her home. We were in a tied game until Mr. Hamilton came in and asked me to drive his daughter home. I had just realized that i never met her. My dreams were fucked up when he called Normani off the bleachers. I was playing on just fucking her but I can't because I respect Mr. Hamilton. That would be some disrespectful shit if I fucked his daughter and then ducked like I usually do so I decided to just keep her as a friend. She walked over to me and said "lead the way" I sighed and Camila said "you look a little defeated dj" while smirking she knew what my plans were. I walked out the rec center holding the door for Normani. I lead her to my car in the parking lot. I unlocked it and got in she looked surprised that I owned a camaro. I turned on my radio so it wouldn't be an awkward silence and trey songz dive in came on. She started singing along and that shit was so angelic i could've died on the spot. I pulled up to her house and unlocked the doors. Before she went out I said"can I get your number?" She looked at me with her head to the side and said "you better use it" she was bossy and badadada I'm lovin it.

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