chapter 3

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A/n so it was recommended that I break up my paragraphs and I will do it. Give me all your thoughts on improvement thank you.

I was currently sitting in a detention center and getting processed for my box. I could only go within 5 miles of my house. I should've been in jail but a friend of my father's works at the precinct so I always was on probation. The worst part about doing what I do is getting caught and that's only because police will send fake crack heads to buy to see who's selling. I had only been caught twice this being my second time on the box so I knew how this worked. I usually just sent Camila to run my errands and have people over so I wouldn't be bored.

It had been a full 24 hours since being on the box and people were already on my nerves. Normani and Lauren were supposed to be coming today but I wasn't in the mood for company. I was in one of my moods where all I wanted to do was write a song and sleep.

I went to go make some cereal when there was a knock at the door. I yelled for Camila to go open it because I was a hungry hungry hippo. I heard Lauren and Camila walk down the hallway so I went out to greet Normani.

"Wassup" her head snapped from her phone and she put her hands on her chest and laughed "you scared the fuck outta me don't do that again" I looked at her playfully "how you gonna tell me what to do in my house" I said as I was rolling my eyes "cuz I can and keep rolling the eyes and they gonna be at the back of your head" I laughed and started walking to my room motioning for her to follow me.

When I got in my room I set the bowl of lucky charms on my nightstand and grabbed my song book. I sat down on my bed and she followed me.

"You sure know how to make yourself at home" she laughed and looked over my shoulder to see what I was writing. I liked the feeling I had when I was around her. Maybe Mr. Hamilton wouldn't mind me having his daughter.

I turned on some music because I don't like silence and B.E.D by Jacquees came on. She got up and started dancing to the music. I laughed and then went back to writing. When the song went off I felt the bed dip and she looked over my shoulder again.

We had been sitting like that for awhile until I finished the song and turned the TV on. I went to on demand to catch up on my teen Titans go.

She snickered and I looked at her confused "what" she laughed and then said "it's just hard to imagine you watching a show like this" I rolled my eyes because I got this all the time. People thought because I sold drugs I was this tough shooter with no heart. To be honest I was more emotional than most people I just didn't show it.

I put on my favorite episode and she laid her head on my shoulder. I looked down at her  then put my arm around her and pulled her close. Before I could doze off Lauren came in the room to tell Normani it was time for them to go. I got up and hugged them both and walked them to the door.

I watched them walk down the hall and I remembered what I wanted to do "Normani can I take you on a date" I yelled down the hall. She turned around smiling and nodded her head. Today was a good day.

A/n so a bitch is bored so I had to update and like I said I like this book and I tried the paragraphs I like it bihhhh so I'mma starting writing like this now follow me on Instagram to it's k1ngkat_1123 I'm tryna make friends because I'm "anti social" according to my 2 friends.

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