chapter 6

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A/n ☝this picture ain't got shit to with nothing but I like it so appreciate it

It was 8:35 in the morning and I was currently waiting for my PO this nigga was always late. I went to go make some cereal and before I could pour my milk he got the nerve to knock on my door. I went to go open it and saw him and two officers. They walked in my house and looked around a little bit. I led them to my room and they just walked in a circle. So that means I worried for nothing but it's better to be safe than sorry. They left soon after but not before telling me I only had 5 days left on the box. I was pumped because I could finally take Normani on a real date because that girl deserved it.

It was now 12:40 and I decided to call Normani to tell her she could bring the stuff back. I wanted her to stay a little longer with me because her presence just felt good. I called and she answered on the last ring, when she answered it sounded like she'd been crying.

Phone call
Dinah- hey babygirl
Normani- hi *sniffles
Dinah- I just ... Wait are you crying what's wrong shord
Normani- my dad is in the hospital he had a heart attach and he might not make it
Dinah- what hospital he in I'mma come get you and we gonna chill I can't promise he gonna make it babygirl but I promise I'mma be there for you
Normani- thanks Dinah and he's in John Hopkins
Dinah- Ard I'm on my way right now.

I grabbed my keys off the table and sped to John's Hopkins. I made it there in 20 minutes and when I got to the front the damn nurse was acting like a dumb fuck.

"Hi I'm here for Derrick Hamilton what room is he in". She looked up at me and pointed to her phone but I didn't give a flying fuck about her conversation. "Bitch I don't give a fuck about your conversation what room is he in". "Hold up girl I'mma call you back because this dyke think she can talk to me any kind of way". "Look bitch I just need the room number". "356 and the next time you come to the hospital you better watch your mouth you lucky I don't want to loose my job". "Bitch fuck you and your job" I said as I walked over to the elevator. As I was on the elevator all I could think about was possibly loosing Mr. Hamilton he wasn't my dad but he was damn near close to it. I heard the elevator ding and stepped off of the elevator. I walked down the hallway until I got to room 356. I took a deep breath in because seeing people in a weak state took a toll on me it reminded me of when my parents died. I had never seen my father look weak he always smiled and laughed. My mom was more of a worry head so when she smiled it was a beautiful thing. I shook my head and walked in. He was connected to a lot of machines and I couldn't help but imagine him as my dad in that bed. I felt a tear roll down my eye and I sniffled causing Normani and her mother to turn around. Normani ran to me and sobbed in my arms this shit hurt to see her like that. I looked over to Mr. Hamilton and he pointed at me. I walked over to him and leaned down so I could hear what he was saying.

"I need you to take care of them Dinah especially Normani treat her like a queen and love her I see the way you look at her don't fail me and I love you Dinah your parents did too never forget that Dinah. You don't have to be so strong for everybody else don't fuck up because you holding on to pride". "Ok I got you Mr. Hamilton but you gonna pull through you gonna be here for them I can barely take care of myself". He grabbed my hand and said "just love them" I felt the grip on my hand loosen and I heard the flat line sound.

Everything was a daze I couldn't believe Mr. Hamilton just died in front of me. I was numb at that moment I didn't feel anything it was like my feet were moving but I wasn't controlling them. I wasn't snapped back into my senses until Normani ran into me and hugged me. I pulled Mrs. Hamilton into the hug because I know she needed one. I decided tonight I would call the girls over to the Hamilton house so they wouldn't be so sad.

I had called Lauren and Camila before I took Normani and mama drea home. I asked Camila to bring me some clothes because I didn't feel like going back and forth home and here. When we got to the house I almost expected Mr. Hamilton to greet me at the door. I walked in and saw Mrs Hamilton getting ready to cook but I stopped her.

"You ain't gotta cook Mrs. H I sent Mila to get some pizza". "Oh thank you DJ I'll just go take a nap if that's okay". "Of course I'll wake you up when they come". She kissed me on the cheek and walked up the steps. I went rummaging through the cabinets looking for a snack because I was hungry and I hadn't had nothing but cereal. I finally found a pack of Oreos and went in the living room. I sat next to Normani and she laid her head on my shoulder. We sat in silence for awhile until I heard Camila and Lauren knock on the door. I went to open it and saw they brought smalls with them. I was glad because I was getting off the box soon and I still had to work so I couldn't be with Normani all the time.

I walked over to the steps and called mama drea done so she could eat. She walked down slowly and her eyes look like she had a good ass cry. Camila put on the lion king but 30 minutes into the movie mama drea went back up the steps. I was cuddled up with Ally and Normani while Camila and Lauren were cuddling. When the movie was over Ally left saying something about going to see Troy but coming back tomorrow morning. She would've had to left anyways because it was only two rooms and Normani's bed wasn't big enough for three people so Camren was taking the couch.

When the movie went off Normani and I went upstairs. I know it's a sad time but I shouldn't have let her walk in front of me. She led me to her bedroom and grabbed one of my shirts out of my bag and went in the bathroom. She came out with my shirt and underwear and laid down. I just took off my shirt and pants so I could sleep in my boxers. I rolled over so that I was on the edge but Normani wasn't having that because she pulled my face into her titties and wrapped her arms around my neck. That was best night's sleep I had in a while and I knew it was because of her.

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