chapter 2

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A/n- so I just want to know how y'all feel about my books let me know comment and shit

I drove to Camila and I's apartment but I hear noises coming from the apartment and decide to leave. I decided to visit my number one booty call. Adriana. The girl could give head like nobodies business and thats just what I needed to get my mind off the restricted Normani. I pull up to Adrianna's house and go to knock on the door. She opens the door before I could even touch it. She grabbed my arm and was crying. The thing about me and Adrianna is we have history so there would always be a place in my heart for her no matter what we went through. So seeing her cry broke my heart. I pulled her into me and held her. "Do you wanna tell me whats wrong" she shook her head no in response so I led her to her room and cuddled her. We also didn't need to have sex but we only did when we were both single and just needed to relieve tension. She shifted in my arms and my thoughts were interrupted. I picked my phone up from the nightstand and saw that Camila had called 4 times. I decided I would call her when I woke up but as I was putting my phone on the nightstand she called again. "Yellow" she laughed at the way I answered the phone and then said "Lauren wants to know if you wanna go to a party with us" I thought about it and then it hit me if Lauren threw a party normani would be there so I said yes. I got up slowly to make sure I didn't wake up Adrianna and successfully made my way out of the house. I got in my car and drove home and when I got there Camila was looking all around for her shoes. The bitch was messy as fuck so we were always looking for her shit. I went into my room to go find something to wear. I yelled for Camila to come here because sometimes we matched. She was wearing a black button up with some American eagle jeans and black and white pro models with the matching chains we got when we were younger and the Rolex I brought her for her birthday. I decided to wear the same thing except I put on my buberry belt to go along with it. We were both ready so we headed out to Laurens house. We drive separate cars to parties just in case one of us are getting some that night and we don't wanna kill the vibe. We walked in and I must say Lauren had some fine ass friends. Even though Camila had a crush on Lauren she still got her mack on and I didn't blame her. Girls see the Gucci we wear and wanna be with us but don't want the consequences that come along with fucking with a drug dealer. We were moving through the party until we saw Lauren and normani standing together with a short girl. I walked up to normani and gave her a hug and then Lauren. Normani introduced me to her friend Ally she was short so I started calling her smallz. We were having a good time until some dude walked up to Lauren and smacked her ass. Like I said no Camila and Lauren weren't together but they were each other's. Camila got pissed and pushed the dude and this dude must've been drunk as fuck because he goes "yo she just another hoe ass bitch my bad" Camila looked like she was getting ready to smack the black off this dude. Lauren must've sensed it because she grabbed Camila and walked her out of the party. Ally was talking to this dude named Troy so it was just me and normani standing next to each other. Permission by to James came on and that song made me feel some type of way so I grabbed normani from behind and swayed her back and forth. The song ended but we were stuck in that position I don't know how to explain this shit but it felt good to hold her like that.

A/n so I think I like this book better and I'll be updating more I hope y'all day was good

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