chapter 10

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A/n halo 😊❤ guess who's going to school tomorrow and talking to their crush and is a nervous wreck😅

I was currently standing on the corner. I had been here for a minute. I started walking home because I had a feeling something bad was going to happen. I was right when I rounded I heard shots rang out. I began to run as far as my feet would take me. I hid in the alley gripping my gun hoping that I wouldn't have to use it.

Once the shots stopped for good I ran back to where the shots were. When I got there everybody was looking at me strangely. I looked around and felt myself being pulled by black. He looked very worried so I didnt give him shit for grabbing me.

"Look Dinah I know we not on the best terms but we need to link up" I gave him my signature stink face but allowed him to continue. "Some dude named Arin came around here talking about when he found you and bingo Dinah he found you but this also fucks with me because we got beef"."okay look I got him dont worry about it do he have a crew"."yeah a bunch of uptown niggas"."ard black imma get back to you tomorrow" even though I didnt like him I still dapped him up because he could've just let my ass die.

I took this as my que to go home. I called Camila to come pick me up because my car was in the shop.
                Phone call
Camila- hey bitch what you want
Dinah- I need your big head ass to come pick me up
Camila- where you at hoe
Dinah- on the block
Camila- imma send Normani to get you
Dinah- no bitch I asked you we got business to take care of
Camila- ard here I come but I'm bringing Normani because I feel like when I get there you gonna fuck somebody up
Dinah- are whatever and get mg bag dont look in it with you know who around
Camila- Dinah you talking about Normani why can't she look in the bag I thought-
I hear shuffling in the background and then normani is on the phone.
Normani- why the fuck is there a pistol in this bag and why do you need it right now matter of fact why do you need it at all I will not have your ass going to jail on me
Dinah- chill out on me I just got to handle business
Normani- what kind of business
Dinah- the kind you dont need to worry about
Normani- the fu- you know what fine dont tell me but I tell you what I'm not gonna bail your ass out of jail you can write me but dont call me collect unless its coming out of your pockets
Dinah- bae i-

The phone hung up and I stood there shocked that she just talked to me that way. I was planted in that spot for 10 minutes until I heard Camila pull up. I went to the front seat and saw Normani sitting there looking angry as fuck. I didnt want to push her buttons so I sat in the back.

"So did you bring the bag"." yeah it should be next to you under the seat" I reached under the seat and felt for the bag until I found it. I rummaged through it until I found my pistol. I picked it up and it felt 10x lighter. I checked the clip amd saw that the gun was not loaded.

"Come on really this is not okay who the fuck and why the fuck"."it was me you don't need a gun"normani turned around as she was speaking."you lucky that I feel something for you because I would dump your ass off so fast matter fact get the fuck out". Normani got out and I saw that she was crying. That hurt watching her cry. Camila rolled off but before we could hit the next turn I made her stop.

"Mila I need to get out"." You fucked up dude... I can't believe you lost your temper over a fucking clip you wanna know something she just cares you dumb fuck"." Ard bro you ain't gotta talk to me that way I know what fucked up"I got out of the car and ran down the block. I saw Normani get in a car But then I took a closer look and saw it was Arin's. I felt my blood boil and knew what I had to do. I dialed a familiar number and then started walking.
Phone call
Black- hello
Dinah- we gonna set him up
Black- I like the way you Think

I ended the call after the plan was discussed and then called Normani.
Phone call
Dinah-baby I'm so sorry can I come get you
Normani- Dinah please dont yell at me like that again you scared me
Dinah- I know baby and I'm sorry I just been real stressed lately and its some things I haven't dealt with properly but I shouldn't have taken that out on you
Normani- its okay but talk to me like that again and imma punch the shit out of you I'm on my period thats why I cried
Dinah- what you doing right now
Normani- just came back home I was with Arin but he got annoying so I had to leave
Dinah- damn you downgraded
Nornani- shut up and he kept talking bout me leaving you because it wasnt right and I was like no bitch what's not right is that crooked ass hairline
Dinah-damn baby you bipolar as fuck but I'm coming and we gonna have a good time oh wait baby I forgot to tell you I got studio time next week on Monday
Normani-really baby omg thats so awesome now come on so you can get some celebratory love

I started walking up the block with a big ass smile on my face oh yeah Airhead was still gonna die but I was getting pussy that he couldn't have so I'm fine. I was glad that I hadn't lived to far away and knew my streets because I just realized Camila ass just left me. I got there fast as shit. I didnt understand but it was a rule my dad had never go fuck dirty. I still did it because in a way I was following everything he wanted me to do. I saw camila's car in the complex parking lot and decided she wouldn't need it.

I got to Normani's house in record time. She must've been alone because when I got in the house Ms. H wasn't there. I went to Normani's room and saw her eating oreos watching teen titans go. I smiled at the sight and then got in bed with her.

"Damn pussy got you whipped daddy you here fast"."girl don't play like that you know I had you squirting and shit and why you not naked"." I guess all you heard was the last thing I said because I told you I'm on my period" I got up and playfully start walking out."well damn just leave but thats cool imma call Arin" she started laughing but I didnt find that shit funny. "OK and imma call Adrianna" she looked at me like I was crazy and then got up.

I felt a sting and then a hand on my throat." Say some shit like that again and I won't hesitate to beat her and you"." girl bye"." dont play with ms Dinah"." Well I would but you on your period"." you play too damn much". I kissed her on her cheek and later down next to her. Baby girl had I dot Even know why she would think I would cheat on her.

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