chapter 5

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A/n so umm the deliver video fucked me up and I will be suing fifth harmony for taking all my damn wigs I was at my last one.

I wake up with a comfortable body under me and see that it's Normani. I was about to go back to sleep when I heard a knock on the door. I got up to go answer the door and saw Adrianna. She looked better than when I saw her a few days ago.

"Damn you just forgot about me like that dj" She joked but being half serious. "Naw I just been busy and on the box". "Damn dj what I tell you about that you need to stop with this shit or you gonna end up in jail for a long time"." Come on A you know I can't stop now I need the money" she scoffed. "Dj you lying because Mr. Hamilton offered you a job at the rec dj you smart why won't you spend that money on some studio time". "Cuz that shit ain't proven to work you know how many people invest their lives in that shit and don't make it"." Dinah you are not them I just don't wanna see you hurt dj you can't trust people out here". I was sick of hearing this shit from people so I ignored her and went in my room. She followed me " I'm only telling you this for your own good dj even if we do fuck sometimes I still care about you and this might sound weird but you like a little sister to me when we not fucking cuz then you daddy but any ways as I was saying i just don't want to see you dead or in jail you know your temper and people out here like to push your buttons"." Yo you think I ain't heard this shit before what the fuck do you want me to do damn I don't want to work at no fucking rec center I like the Gucci and new shit I get and to get it I gotta do what the fuck I got to do so leave me the fuck alone". She took that as a sign to leave and I was glad because I didn't want to blow up on her.

I heard footsteps​ come in my room and saw it was Normani. She yawned and went in the bathroom. She changed her clothes and through this whole process she hadn't said anything to me. I was getting sick of her silence so I got up off the bed and pulled her into a hug.

"What's wrong babygirl" she tried to pull away from me but I just held her tighter. "Get off me Dinah"."no not until you tell me wassup"." I don't about the fact you sell drugs but you could've told me you had a girlfriend"." I don't Mani baby girl I'm not gonna lie to you we have sex when we not in relationships but today she just came to check up on me I only want you"."what ever you say dinah I don't need no damn- "." Hold up let me stop you right there before you say some shit you regret I only want you I swear baby girl". She sighed and finally relaxed in my arms. "You better not be lying or I'mma fuck your ass up". I chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

After Normani went home I checked my phone and saw I had a missed call from my probation officer. This usually meant he was checking on me to see if he could shorten my days. I had to be on the box for a full month and so far I had only did four days. If my uncle put in a good word for me I usually got off on like the tenth day. I listened to the message and freaked the fuck out. "Hey Dinah it's Mr. Johnson I was calling to tell you that tomorrow there will be a home visit". This meant they were going to check my shit and I had a big ass supply that I was supposed to sell this week. I called Camila and Lauren they both didn't pick up. I called Normani and she picked up on the second ring.

Phone call
Dinah- babygirl I need you to do me a favor
Normani- yeah wassup
Dinah-i umm need you to come get a package for me and hide it
Normani- what kind of package
Dinah- my uhhh weed
Normani- Dinah no
Dinah- please just this one time and it will only be for a little bit my po is coming to check my house tomorrow
Normani- fine but you owe me and don't expect Everytime you need to hide drugs for me to do it for you
Dinah- Ard thank you so much and I promise I won't ask again just come get it before tomorrow
Normani- okay I'm on my way I should be there in ten

I went in my closet and grabbed the book bag I put my weed in. I unlocked the vault with my gun in it and put it in the bookbag. I heard four knocks on the door and I ran to open it.

She looked at me with a disappointed look on her face but grabbed the bag. She went to open the door but stopped and turned around to kiss me. See this was what I like about Normani she might not have approved of how I lived but she still didn't try to change me. I knew in the moment she walked down the hall way with the bag in her hand she was a ride or die chick and I wasn't letting go.

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