chapter 4

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A/n I'm on a motherfucking roll

Today was the third day I was on the box and I was getting sick of it. I didn't live within five miles of a place that was acceptable for a date so I decided we would watch a movie at the house. I set up the living room so it looked like a movie theater and even had Camila buy chicken from KFC.

"Well you can make yourself scarce". "Hey how the fuck you gonna kick me out of my own house". I grabbed her by the shoulder pushing her to the door. "Like I'm doing now" she laughed and grabbed her car keys and left out.

I went in my room to find my phone so I could tell Normani I was on my way. I finally found it under my comforter and dialed her number.

Phone call
Dinah- wassup you ready I'm on my way to come pick you up

Normani- yeah almost and what we doing

Dinah- well since it's no places we could go while I'm on the box I was thinking we watch a movie

Normani- Ard that's fine with me

Dinah- okay bye baby girl see you in 10

After I hung up I grabbed my car keys and went downstairs. I was on my way to the car when I saw Camila and Lauren arguing and a girl in the middle looking confused. I walked over to where they were and saw Lauren was crying.

"Ayo what's wrong wit shord". "Man she saw me with Ionna and got mad". I laughed because I knew this situation was fucked. "Well then make it official and you wouldn't be crying right now because she's not your property". Lauren looked at Camila with sad eyes. Camila sighed softly and kissed Lauren on the cheek "umm will you be my umm girlfriend" Lauren looked up and started smiling.

I walked off to my car shit if I knew I could be doctor Phil I wouldn't have sold no drugs. I laughed silently to myself and then sped off to Normani's house. I turned the radio up and I felt the bass in my heart.

I finally arrived and turned the music down because I know how Mr. Hamilton feels about me pulling up like that. I got out of the car and ran to the door. I knocked four times and heard Normani say "I got it mom" When Normani opened the door I stayed outside because I didn't want Mr. Hamilton seeing the box. I had to make a good impression if I wanted his daughter.

We got in the car and started the journey to my house. While we were at a red light I looked at her only to find her staring. "You know it impolite to stare" she laughed and her laugh was the sexiest thing I heard all day. "Well I must be a rude bitch then". I pulled off and hit the gas so we were speeding to my house. I swerved in the parking lot and parked. When we got out of the car she smacked the shit out of me.

"You couldve killed us you stupid fuck". I was laughing at her outburst but she didn't find it funny and started walking ahead of me. I didn't care because the girl had ass like nobodies business. I finally decided to catch up with her after thinking about all the things I could do with her ass. I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry baby girl do you forgive me" she looked at me causing her to look up because of our height difference.

We finally reached the apartment and I unlocked the door. She went straight to my room and I went in the kitchen to heat up the chicken. She came out of my room with my new York shirt on with a pair of my "hang loose shorts". I liked the fact that she was comfortable around me but I was trying to take it slowly with her why she gotta be like this.

I grabbed the bucket of chicken off the counter and she went rummaging through the cabinets for hot sauce. She found the hot sauce but she also found a small bag of my weed. She looked at it weird and I was confused because she had Lauren Jauregui as a best friend how could she not know what weed is.

I grabbed it from her "you wanna try" she hesitated before nodding her head. I went in my room to find the rolling paper and chopped it up. I rolled two blunts because since this was her first time she would only smoke half and the shit I sold was strong. I told her to call her mom and ask could she spend the night I couldn't send her home high because Mr. Hamilton would hand my ass to me.

"She said yeah but no funny business"." I wasn't planning on it I'm not a comedian". "Haha so funny"."like I said I'm not a comedian". She smacked my arm and walked over to the couch. I grabbed my lighter off of the table and lit the first blunt. I felt weird teaching someone how to smoke.

"Ard so just inhale like this" I put the blunt to my mouth and took a deep breath. I gave her the blunt and she did the same. She started coughing like any first timer. Her second inhale went smoother and then she got the hang of it. I grabbed the blunt from her and took two deep breathes in. While doing so I got an idea I wanted to do that thing they do in the movies where they share the smoke.

"You wanna try something"."yeah as long as it's not crazy"." Ard we gonna share smoke like they be doing in movies"."okay what we gotta do"."just kiss me with the smoke in my mouth and then inhale it". She nodded her head so I inhaled and we brought our lips together. After the smoke cleared out we just started kissing and she had the taste of two things on her lips that I loved weed and vanilla. I pulled away because I didn't want to take things far.

I put on girls trip since she hadn't seen it yet. I was cold so I took it upon myself to lay her back on the couch and put my head in the crook of her neck. I felt myself dozing off and as I did all I could think about was laying like this in the future.

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