chapter 21

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A/n ... Hiiiii❤❤

I woke up with a headache and on top of a coffee table. I still had on my clothes from yesterday so I figured nothing serious happened. I got off the table and stepped on Camila.

"Ouch what the fuck are you doing"."ahhhh damn Camila you almost gave me a heart attack"."well shit I'm sorry what happened"."I don't know did we do something"."the last thing I remember is you jumping from the couch to the coffee table and us ordering pizza"."well shit we ain't as wild as we used to be"." Remember that time we had a threesome with Adrianna"." Hell yeah man we was wild"."remember when you slapped that man when we was at the club"."now we all mellow and shit"." I gotta tell you something DJ and its gonna make you mad"." Wassup mila"." I got into so trouble with drugs again"." Dammit mila what the fuck is the point of you going school if you just gonna go back to that"." You haven't stopped DJ so why should I"." Because I been in this longer than you I can't stop or I get killed"." But your lying to normani"."I know mila but I'm gonna tell her because if she just finds out she gonna fuck me up"."Lauren is so proud DJ she keeps talking about our drug free life with a kid and my stupid ass can't let it go"."I know exactly where you at mila and I was in the same place but you know what do what you gotta do I'm not gonna tell you its easy you haven't found yourself yet this is all you just know I'm there"." Thanks dj and you better call your girl before she start trippin"."she haven't in a while but ard and call Lauren".

I walked out and got into my car about to drive home but you know I had to put on my playlist on. I noticed that I had 10+ calls from normani and Lauren. I decided I would just face the consequences at home not over the phone. I sped home and it seemed like I got caught at every red light. I finally decided to just roll through all of them because you haven't met angry normani.

I finally got home and I was afraid to step in the house. I finally gathered up the courage to step in the house. I saw Lauren on the phone with who I assume was Camila. She saw me and rolled her eyes. She pointed at the door and I walked in to see all my drawers opened and wrecked. I went over to hug her and she turned around with the most evil face.

"Where the fuck was you Dinah and you better think carefully before you answer"." I was with camila"." Why"." Why? What do you mean why she just up and left so I went to check on her"."I called you over 15 times and you didn't answer not one time and you didn't even have the decency to call me and tell me you were fine"." Baby we were having a weed binge and reminiscing I'm sorry I genuinely didn't mean to worry you baby"." Dinah why do you still have these bandanas I thought you were out"." Baby can we talk- Lauren get out of my house your girlfriend needs to talk to you"." OK what do you need to tell me about"." You ever watched a movie about gangs"." Yeah baby of course"."well you know some of the rules"." Not really but what is this got to do with anything"." Well baby I'm from the east side so I'm a crip and one of the rules is you always belong to the gang and the only way you can get out is death"."baby why didn't you tell me you got me out here thinking you cheating on me"."never that baby girl I'm all yours"."better be now put all this shit back"."but yo-"." Shut the fuck up and put this shit away"."mmm OK mami".

She sashayed out of the room and let's just say I had a beautiful view. I picked the clothes up and decided we should have some time together in the studio.

Not my best I know but I promise I'll be better and the end is coming soon

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