Chapter 2: Friends

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After I got home I curled up on my bed with my Ben & Jerry's, and Netflix. I watched a chick-flic and then went to sleep.


The next morning was Tuesday so I got up and ready for school. I put on a cute foral t-shirt, my favorite pair of jeans and some brown boots. I walked into my bathroom and put my hair long brown hair into side fishtail. I put on some light makeup and headed out the bathroom door. I saw that there was a text from Liam.

Liam: Hey, meet me by your locker when you get to school. K?

Allisa: Ya, sure. Why?

Liam: You will see.😉

Allisa: Okay.😂

That was wired Liam and Patrick are really good friends, so maybe he wants to talk about what happened last night. I hope not, everything is still so sad to talk about.

*Knock, knock*

"Come in." I say.

"Hey, you okay?" My mom said while opening the door.

"Ya, why?" I questioned. Which was really not true but I didn't want her to worry.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to tell you that you should probably leave." She said not saying what I think she knows.

"Right, I got to leave early today cause me and Geniveive are grabbing smoothies." I said in a rush. I grabbed my backpack and waved good bye as I ran out the door and started my car.

I drove to Geniveive's house and honked the horn twice to let her know I was here. She came running out the house and opened my car door.

"Hey!" She said happily.

"Whoa, somebody is happy today." I said.

"Ya, well you will never belive this but Conner kissed me last night!" She said over joyed.

Geniveive is a little short but a good size height, she has blond hair to her shoulders which is almost always curled, and blue eyes.

"Oh my gosh! I am so happy for you!" I yell.

"Me too!" She said with a big goofy grin.

"You and Conner make such a cute couple!" I said with a sqeal. She just grinned and sqealed with me.

"You ready for smoothies?" I asked.

"Yes! Let's go!" She said happily.

"So tell me the story." I said with anticipation.

Hello! I am so sorry for taking forever but school has been crazy! Thanks for reading! I ship Geniveive and Conner so much you will get to see some cute moments from them. What do you think Liam want comment down below and if you ship Conneive.

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