chapter one (never said i was sweet cake)

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"why are you in a good mood?" his tone switched over from happy to suspicious.

  "i don't know." I exclaimed, "billy just asked me to go to the bridge."

"you know why guys like him ask girls to go to the bridge, are you fucking out of your mind? he is bad news dude. he probably would fuck his sister if it wasn't illegal."

"richie!" i scoffed, "you barely even know him!" i stopped in my tracks and turned to face him.

"do you have to be a virgin to see him as a fucking 'angel' orr.." he tilted his head down, his eyes squinted as he glared at me.

"don't get me started tozier." i rolled my eyes, "you aren't a fucking saint either."

  "never said i was sweet cake, so you can pull your head out of your ass and answer my damn question."

  i scoffed, "float in hell." i yelled, walking away with my two middle fingers up.

i heard him sigh deeply before trying to catch up to me. "kimberly, come on. you know i'm just trying to help."

"seriously richie, fuck off." i tried to walk faster until he tugged on my arm.

"kim, i just don't want you hurt so i don't have to fucking kill anyone." he said sincerely. i crossed my arms and took in a breath.

"well i-"

but our conversation was cut off by the man himself, billy.

"sup kimmie." he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, smirking down at me. he then looked up and met eyes with richie. "four eyes." he nodded.

i could see richie's fists ball up. i removed myself from his grip and turned towards him. "billy." i greeted.

"still up for tonight?" he smiled, leaning on one leg, his hands holding onto the straps of his backpack.

"no." richie stated from behind me. i glared at him and then faced billy once again. "yes, but-" i heard his hands hit his sides, "what are we doing exactly?" i questioned.

"some people were wanting to go swim, maybe hike a bit." he shrugged, not giving much detail. i nodded my head and then gave a thumbs up before saying bye to him.

"so other people are invited?" he asked as he walked in front of me. "i guess so?" i shrugged, "cool, so i'll pick you up at around 5?" he added.

"tozier." my voice started getting louder.

"oh come on, please?" he begged, "there will be hot babes in their underwear there, i can't pass it up." i stood there dumbfounded until he punched my shoulder jokingly.

"kiss your mom for me." he winked as he walked away, not letting me reply before running to his car.

"richie rich" / richie tozier (fwolfhard)Where stories live. Discover now