chapter nine (tea later, talk now)

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  short but effective

  "okay, but first, tell me what happened?" he laughed, stopping me from walking.

  my face twisted into a frown. "later, tea?" i offered, pushing my way past him and up to the door.

  "tea later, talk now." he demanded, once again blocking me front going into the doorway.

  "richie, stop being stubborn and let me go dammit." i muttered, letting a deep chuckle escape my lips.

"i promise i will tell you later. swear it on his grave." i stuck out my pinky properly and held it up high.

"fine, but don't think you're getting out of this shit." he spoke lowly, intertwining our pinkies and locking it tight.

"richie rich" / richie tozier (fwolfhard)Where stories live. Discover now