chapter four (let's get hype)

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i woke up, reaching beside me to feel someone. i sat up, startled. until richies hand pulled me back down.

i let out a sigh of relief. i finally got comfortable again as i nuzzled my head onto his chest. he slipped his arm around my waist and let a small snore escape his mouth.

i begin to laugh, waking him up. "mm..what?" his raspy voice lingered in my mind.

my face began to get beet red. i turned away quickly hoping he wouldn't notice the sudden change, yet he did.

"what's that? kim finally has feelings for me?" he laughed out loud while i shoved him back. "definitely not, dumbass."

he laughed it off, but it still stuck with me. why the hell would he say that? i didn't do anything? i. don't. think?

"quit dreaming about me and get your ass up and help." he whispered playfully. he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen to make a sandwich.

my cheeks only heated up a little bit but i hid it this time. i unhooked our hands and walked the rest of the way making him slow down and ponder.

"are you okay?" he walked up to me, bending down to my height. "you never told me what happened kim." he stated.

when i said nothing, he pulled me into a hug. "richie." i sobbed, holding a fistful of his shirt in my hand.

"maybe talking about it would help?" he suggested, still trying to calm me down.

i kept on mumbling into his shoulder, he rubbed circles into my back with the palm of his hands.

"kimmie, please tell me. i want to help." he whispered softly, "what would it help?" i spat, sitting back and wiping my face harshly.

"i'll kill him kim, i swear to god if he did what i think he did." he gritted his teeth, "fucking try me."

"he, he just, i don't know. i guess it wasn't that bad, trust me." i brushed it off, trying to change the mood, but he was no help.

"kimberly, i love you, but i will fucking tickle you to death if you don't tell me right now." he stated truthfully.

that's when i knew it was serious, he never tickles me because he knows it pisses me off.

"he kind of shoved me onto the wall. and, he, well he started trying to kiss me, and i wouldn't so-" my vision started to blur as tears clouded over my eyes.

"shh, don't cry, it's okay, i'm here. i got you kim." he started to rub my hair.

"i love you richie." i began to hug him back and put my hands on the back of his head. "i love you kimberly."

i sniffled once more before i let go and wiped my under eye.

"thank you for being here." i smiled glumly. he returned it, holding onto my hand. "always, you're my loser."

"okay, fuck this, let's get hype." i replied making him chuckle. "party?" he asked, "hell yeah." i answered as we pumped fists.

"regina has a party going on." i winced, mentally rolling my eyes. "great." i replied sarcastically. "it will be fun, trust me." he grinned, but then noticed our hands were still linked.

his smile dropped as he unraveled them, his face turning a light shade of pink. "well lets get ready." he cut through the silence as he stood up and ran to my room.

my chest stung but i ignored it as i went to get ready also.

"richie rich" / richie tozier (fwolfhard)Where stories live. Discover now