chapter fifteen (don't call me that)

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"well, you better figure it out soon because i'm not going to put up with your shit anymore if you stunt on me next time." i crossed my arms in my lap.

he looked at me and smiled, then turned the dial for so the volume would rise.

we actually had a good day surprisingly, we mostly jammed out to lany.

"it was great hanging out with you babe." he winked, and my heart fluttered, my cheeks heated up, my finger tips began to sweat even though they were freezing.

"don't call me that." i hissed playfully, then i got out of the car and closed the door with a smile. i ran up the steps and knocked three times.

eddie answered, how weird?

"tell. me. everything." his face was stern, his eyes like venom. damn, what crawled up his ass?

"we just drove around, he was actually being super nice." but all he did was scoff. "he can't just decide to switch up now, you're mine."

i leaned back a bit, "excuse me?" i asked sassily, sticking a hand out. "don't be jealous. it was a one time thing, and you aren't my dad." i spoke out.

"whatever, have fun with richie." he stood up and began to walk out the door. "stop being so hormonal and get back here!" i yelled, but it was too late.

he slammed the door shut, making me throw it open and run up to his car.

"stop being like this eddie, you know me." i exclaimed, he just rolled his eyes. "apparently not good enough. i don't understand why you go back to him after everything he has caused."

"he was always there for me, i still love him. i won't stop, and if you have a problem with that then just leave." i waved him off.

"can do." he mumbled before jumping in his car and roaring his engine. he sped off in a flash.

i didn't want to cry, but it just upsets me. he actually left. why was he so jealous in the first place? i don't understand MEN.

i pulled out my phone and dialed the long lost number. it rung about two times before someone picked up.

"hello?" their voice rang throughout my head.

"hey, can you come over? eddie and i got into this huge ass fucking argument and he ended up leaving. even though i sort've told him to, but i never thought he would!"

tears began to slip down my cheeks.

"yeah of course, i'm on my way now." they spoke lowly.

"thank you so much." i cried out, hoping no one would hear me besides the boy on the other line.

"yeah, it's no problem at all, i'll see you soon." he said urgently.

"bye richie." and with that i hung up.


"so what did he do again?"

richie and i were sprawled out on the bed, chatting away. "he fucking said i was his, what the hell. i'm not a fucking object, right?"

he replied quickly, "right."

"then he told me that he doesn't know why i talk to you anymore because you're a douche. and he walked away, but i ran after him." i nodded.

"i ran up to the car and we just ended up screaming at each other and then he left." i cried into the arm he wrapped around me.

"look, i know what i did sucks, but ima changed person. swear it." something in his voice seemed off, but i didn't question it.

i was just happy to have him back for the


"i know, i know." i unraveled our arms and turned to lay the back of my head on his stomach.

"so, how's regina?" i asked, looking up at him a little bit.

"she is really clingy, i don't know about her." he shrugged, almost cracking a grin, questionable.

"well, i think she might not have the best influence on you. just putting that out there. you're a dick around her." i blurted out, not even ashamed.

"i've been thinking about that too." he spoke softly, his eyes barely staying open. mine started closing too.

"i'm so happy to have you back though." i stated truthfully, while i returned back to my normal position.

"i'm happy to be back too kimmie."

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