chapter 011 (for good)

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"no, kim wait!" he yelled, running after me.

"you did this didn't you?" i screamed in his face, feeling his warm breath fan over my face.

"i didn't know it would end up like this." he whispered, shaking his head.

my eyes furiously widened, "what the fuck richie!" my throat scratched, "how could you?!" my tone rising higher and higher by the second.

"kimmie, you have no idea how sorry i am." he pleaded, grabbing onto my hands.

"hell no." i shook my hands out of his and turned back.

"please kimberlina, don't walk away! let me explain!" he kept up the pace.

"how can you fucking explain this shit richie? how can you continue to make up bullshit lies? one day, one day very soon. you're gonna get your ass kicked." i spat, harshly.

"and i wouldn't mind if i got chosen to do it."

with that i walked off, leaving him in the dust. tears ran down his cheeks.

the guilt slowly began to eat me up. but i didn't face him this time.

i walked away.

for good.


i slumped my shoulders as i trudged up the stairs that led to my room.

of all the people who could've been a jackass. it had to be him.

the one person i cared about most. and that, my friends, is what really irked me.

everyone thinks he is just this fucking prince with a mop head.

he is an egotistical, four eyed gorgeous piece of man.

that i hate with all of my might. but also i would go to the ends of the world for him.

what to do, what to do.


i walked past him in the hallway, he didn't even budge this time. it's been two months, and he doesn't budge. nor has he tried to contact me.

maybe he finally realized what a bitch i am.

maybe he has finally just given up on me.

maybe i should actually start to do the same?

maybe i should let go of those old memories.

because times change, and so do people i guess.

but sometimes i can't stand the thought of not messing up his perfectly swooped, luscious, dark brown hair.

sometimes all i want to do is just run up to him and hug him tightly, squeeze his sides and make him laugh.

now, all i do is watch him from the sidelines, holding regina.

he doesn't look like he regrets a thing, in fact, he looks better than usual. maybe he just got laid or something.

i brushed it off, walking past them and towards my class until someone walks in front of me and smacks the top of my books, making them fall.

i look into his brown eyes, a smirk appears on his face before he runs back to her laughing.

and before i knew it tears streaked down my face. i didn't even bother picking them up, i just carried myself to the bathroom.

i shut and locked the stall and slid my back against the door. my sobs could no longer be contained.

i heard the door creak open, light footsteps patting the floor.

"kimberlina?" a voice whispered, i wiped my stained cheeks and cracked the stall open slowly.


eddie was the cutest guy ever, like, the most adorable kid. he was a grade above me yet he acted so immature you would think he was younger if he wasn't so tall and matched with his deep voice.

"eddie?" i smiled, fully opening the door. he pulled my books from behind his back.

"i- uh, you forgot these." he sheepishly smiled, handing them over to me. my eyes sparkled in amazement.

"thank you so much. i really appreciate it." i clutched onto the side of the cardboard textbook and grinned.

"are you okay? i saw what happened" his arm hung on the top of the wall, whilst he leaned on the other side.

"it's okay, he is just an asshole." i waved, my eyes flickered to the ground. i regained my posture and placed a smile back on my face.

"look, what he did sucks. but don't let it get to you. you are a great person kim." he nodded, before pulling me into a hug.

before i could say anything he pulled away and waved towards me, "see you around!" and he walked out.

i stood there dumbfounded for a couple minutes, which felt like centuries.

did that actually just happen?

maybe all guys aren't such douche pants.

"richie rich" / richie tozier (fwolfhard)Where stories live. Discover now