chapter seven (hells bells richie)

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  "hells bells richie, what the fuck were you thinking?" i called out, rubbing my hair.

i went back, got in my car, and immediately went straight to the sheriffs office.

i walked quickly in the doors before sitting in the waiting area.

"flo, not now, i'm about to get coffee." sheriff hopper stated before taking a bite of a donut.

  but i stood before him, blocking the entry way.

  "where's richie." i had a hand on my hip while i leaned on one foot.

"where do you think, little girl? in custody." he walked off past me, making me run to catch up to him.

  "well," i handed a wad of cash to him before going back to my original stance.

  he looked at the cash and back to me, almost puzzled.

  "give me a minute." he spoke lowly.


  sheriff hopper came out minutes later with richie, but had a fistful of his shirt in his hand.

"kimber-" i shot him a death glare, making him mute.

  "thanks, keep in touch." i grumbled as i grabbed richie by the ear and dragged him towards the car.

  still not saying a word i got in and started the ignition.

  "oh come on you aren't mad, you can never stay mad at me." he pouted.

  "fucking try me." i spat while pulling out of the parking lot.

  the rest of the ride home was quiet unless he tried to change the dial.

  we came to a halt as we sat in his driveway. "come inside?"

my stomach erupted in butterflies when he grabbed my face to make me look at him.

  i could feel my cheeks slowly heat up.

  "uhm o-okay." i stuttered, getting out and locking the door.

  he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, running up to his room and shutting the door. "kimberly, you have no idea how sorry i am." he whispered sincerely.

"i'm over it, don't worry. thank you richie." i went in for a hug, turning my face towards him to rest it on his shoulder.

but he bent down to hug me, whilst turning his head the same.

  i closed my eyes getting ready to squeeze him tightly, only to be stopped.

  our lips brushed each others. our eyes both snapped open as we jumped back from each other.

  "i should go, i have to babysit tonight." i looked down at the ground with my eyes wide open.

  "yeah, okay." he talked quietly, "i'll uh- walk you down." he twisted the door handle and opened it.

  "hey kim!" his mom ran up to hug me, "how have you been?" she smiled widely. my stomach was churning too much to talk.

  "i-i uh-m i.." before richie interrupted me, "she has to babysit, bye!" before grabbing my arm and yanking me outside.

"what are you doing later tonight?" i asked, reaching my car.

"can't makeout tonight babe i got plans." he joked, laughing soon after.

i rolled my eyes, "ha. ha. what are you doing? you should come help me babysit." i batted my eyelashes.

"actually, um.." he scratched the back of his head, "i made plans with regina tonight. nothing special though." he wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"right." i stated, before getting into my car and rolling down the window.

"see you at school." i stated, giving a fake smile before driving home.

i got home and decided i would take a nap before going to get ava. so two hours later i got up and drove to the daycare.

"ava!" i yelled excitedly to get her attention. "miwwie!" she ran up to my leg and hugged it.

i picked her up onto my side and checked her out at the front desk before walking back to the car.

"ice cream?" i asked, she nodded her head vigorously. "aghh!" she screamed, laughing her head off.

we pulled up to derrys ice cream parlor and took a seat. the waitress handed us a menu and we looked over it before hearing a loud thud.

i looked over towards the bathroom, my head tilted in confusion. no one else seemed to notice.

"uhm- ava. stay here, i need to use the restroom really quick."

"okay!" she smiled before looking back at her menu.

i slowly got up and went to push the door open, seeing two people basically having sex in one of the stalls.


before i walked out i went up to the mirror fixing my hair, and went to turn around when something caught my eye.

that guys shoes look really familiar.

the moans got louder and now i knew for sure what they were doing. so i walked out quickly and stumbled back to ava.

i went to ask for a to go drink but stopped when i saw who walked out.

richie and regina.

regina made eye contact with me before smirking and putting a hand over richies wang.

what the hell is wrong with this bitch? does she really think that bothers me? because if so, shes fucking right.

i looked away and grabbed avas hand as they took a seat in a booth. he hadn't seen me fully yet thankfully.

i should have knocked on wood, damnit.

his eyes stared into mine, almost burning. my eyes started to swell up. i grabbed the milkshake and jerked ava up and out the door.

i heard footsteps behind me but continued on.

"kimberly! wait up." he yelled after me. i got in the car and locked the doors, but i remember giving him a fucking spare key.

he unlocked it quickly and swung open my front door. "what the hell kim." he scoffed.

"what the hell me? richie, really?" i spat, attempting to close the door but he blocked my way. "we aren't dating." he shrugged.

"i didn't fucking say we were. i just thought you might have the decency the keep your wang in your pants and not in other peoples throats."

"you're just mad because it isn't down yours hoe!" he yelled back as i rolled up the window and drove off, trying to comfort a crying ava.

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