chapter twenty five (you can't avoid me forever)

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"i'm going to tell him mike, i have to. i just have to, its eating me alive."

i tugged him towards the closet, shutting and locking the door.

"fuck him! i don't care? i like-like you kim. i can't stop thinking about you."

he started leaning in towards my face slowly but i inched back.

"i love richie. you have el, you can't do that to her. she is too nice to be treated like shit." i squinted my eyes at him.

he leaned back against the wall near the broom.

"like i said before, i like YOU." he threw up his hands and tugged at his hair.

"i can't like you! do you know how wrong that would be? you are richie's brother mike!" i yelled making him slap a hand over my mouth.

i heard the door knob shuffle, and then it flew open.


She took one look, one glance, and then began to stumble over herself to turn around and run.

tears caressed her cheeks, i turned to look at mike with a stern glare.

"go." i spat, pushing him out of the closet before closing myself in it again.

tears welled up in my own eyes and soon began to flow down my face as well. the door handle jiggled again, this time much harder.

"let me in right now kimberly." richies voice came from out behind the door. he slammed his fists on it attempting to 'knock'.

a sob escaped my mouth, and the knocks got softer.

"kimmie." he paused "let. me. in." he took while taking a breath between each word.

"no." i barely said above a whisper because i knew if i talked too loud i would sound inhuman.

"why!" he yelled angrily, "you know i know, so just let me in so i can talk with you!"

"go away richie." i screamed, kicking my legs out, knocking the broom down.

"you can't avoid me forever." he softly spoke, "and i can promise you that i will be seeing you soon." his raspy voice took over my head.

it played over and over again till i let out a whimper as my cries got louder.

"richie rich" / richie tozier (fwolfhard)Where stories live. Discover now