chapter five (i got sick)

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richie was already piss drunk. i only had a couple so i wasn't as bad. but i was still a bit tipsy.

  he stumbled up to me and grabbed my waist, making me jump. "richie?" i asked, i couldn't see him because of the strobe lights.

  he pulled me into the kitchen making me try this really cool drink. it felt so weird, almost like a dream. everything was a blur.

   he rushed me to this game they were playing called spin the bottle. he tugged me closer to his side until we were right next to each other.

  more people began joining, i couldn't keep count. the bottle finally landed on me, so i awaited to see who it was going to choose. i grabbed a couple more drinks, not looking at what they were and just downing the contents.

   richie was swaying back and forth as he sat. he was so done, i laughed to myself and looked back at the bottle. it landed on someone, i looked up to see a taller figure lean in.

  i leaned in too, and gave a quick peck but they ended up holding my face. i tried to pull back but they kept their firm grip. i reached for richie but he was gone.

   i finally got out for a breath of air and shot up and searched for richie. i finally got a glimpse of who that figure was.


tears started pouring from my eyes as i kept pushing through people to find him. i ended up going to the kitchen to see him making out with regina.

  i have no clue why, but it hurt worse than what billy did. it hurt so fucking much.

  but its just because he is my best friend and never told me anything about this 'fling' i guess.

  i ended up walking outside to go to the car but realized he had the keys. so i sat outside, and waited, and waited, and waited.

  two hours later i finally got my drunk ass up and walked home even though it was across town. my heart still ached, i tried to not let the tears fall but they demanded.

  i finally reached the doorstep and i pulled the key from under the mat and walked in and went straight to my room.

  i got under the covers and just immediately passed out.


  i woke up with a splitting headache, i checked my phone and i had like 30 missed calls from richie, and 34 text messages from him.

  i looked at all of the voicemails, they mostly just say where the hell are you, but one caught my attention.

dad #1: "you know i love you wayy more than i would ever like regina. you are my loserr babe. now wheree the hell are you?"

  my throat closed up, the air being taken away from my lungs. i ended up calling richie right away. he answered after two rings.

  "what the fuck, where are you?" he yelled.

"i walked home, i got sick." i lied, i bit my bottom lip as he started talking again.

  "bullshit, why didn't you let me give you a ride home at least?" he questioned, throwing me off.

"you were piss drunk richie! plus i didn't really want to ruin your little makeout session with regina." i mumbled.

  "what the hell did you just say?" he spat.

  "you fucking heard me tozier." i spat right back, not giving a shit at this point.

"why would you care?" he asked, probably squinting his eyes as his head is tilted dramatically.

"i don't now dumbass." i said on the line before i hung up.

  i heard my phone ring again, i sighed.

"richie, stop fucking calling or i'll-" but i was cut off by not richie, but billy.

"this isn't your lover boy. i just wanted to say how sorry i am for last night and the night before. i completely messed things up and i can't imagine how much pain i put you in." he apologized.

  "look, i know you are coming from a good place right now. but i don't want to hear it." i said as i hung up also. damn, 2 in a row.

  richies name popped back up on the screen again.

"what!" i yelled, gripping the ends of my hair.
"i'm on my way over." click

i pulled the phone away from my ear and just stared, that was until i heard a knock on my window. holy hell.

  the richie tozier was throwing rocks at my window. "go the fuck back home jackass." i yelled down, almost laughing but trying to stay calm and serious.

  "i'm coming up." he replied, right after he was in my room.

"well you fucking listen like a champ, don't cha." i rolled my eyes and sat on my bed. "right? my mom loves me so much." he smiled cheekily.

  "but seriously, is that why you left?" he asked politely, but still demand-like.

"no, well, not fully." his face twisted even more with confusion. "i played spin the bottle, you left, i kissed billy." i said quickly trying to make sure he wouldn't fully understand.

but to my luck, he did.

"WHAT THE HELL KIMBERLINA?" he yelled, standing up, towering over me. i crouched down in fear.

  "why the fuck would you kiss him?" he began to grow even more pissed, if that was possible. "in my defense, i was drunk as shit!" i pleaded out to him.

  "i had no clue until it was all done." i shrugged, not giving it much thought. his face became even more red.

he ran his hands through his hair. "i can't fucking believe this shit right now." he blurted out, staring at me directly in the eyes.

  shit, if looks could kill, i would be so dead.


  i turned the radio up since richie was still arguing about it. and yes i just said only richie, because i was done with it to be honest.

i was so tired of everything and everyone at that moment, i didn't care.

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