chapter thirteen (with hatred)

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i was barely able to hold my own weight up, i don't know why i was so shaken up. he was just, different.

i don't know if it's good or bad. but it's scaring me at how i am reacting to it.

i so want to just real bitch face everything, but it's impossible when he acts so fucking hot.

3:40 p.m.

i didn't even get the chance to tell him that me and eddie were just friends. but, why the fuck would he care?

5:16 p.m.

you love him, he can be a douche, but you love him.

9:53 p.m.

god fuck! what the hell am i thinking?

2:00 a.m.

maybe he would still be okay with me if i just talked to him? or wore his favorite shirt?

2:05 a.m.

fuck him! i don't care, i swear i don't.


i heard my door close, thinking eddie was just moving something i ignored it. but i heard it again, and again.

i stayed put until i couldn't turn away any longer. i stepped out into the hallway.

i inched back into my room, eddie was gone. only a note on my dresser kept me company.

"dear kimberlina,
i will get my ass kicked if i don't go home to take my medicine. see you tomorrow though!!

with hatred,


how thoughtful. i mentally could roll my eyes at this bitch right now. at least he wasn't a douche like richie.

"richie rich" / richie tozier (fwolfhard)Where stories live. Discover now