chapter fourteen (of course doll)

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"okay students, um, well thats actually all we have for today so you can pack up your stuff!" mrs. byers smiled, oh how i loved this class.

she is literally the only reasonable teacher here, ever since she lost her son she has been treating us different.

as if we would leave too.

she just has a great heart, she's very observational too, like a therapist.

i turned back to face eddies desk. "what did you get on the test?" he asked, then slid over his paper.

"a 98%?!" my mouth hung open. "i only got a 32%!" i groaned.

"damn kim! you better get that up before they put you in the tutoring program! but, if you do, i could maybe tutor you." he smirked, then chuckled as i lifted my eyebrow.

"yeah, but i'd rather not since you know who is in there."

i rolled my eyes, and as soon as i turned around richie was walking in the door.

"i need kimberlina." he smiled sweetly, if only he actually was sweet. this dumb bitch.

"of course doll! kimberlina?" her head faced me, she nodded in his direction and waved goodbye.

i twisted my body to face eddie as i stood up to grab my books. "what the fuck?" i mouthed, he only shrugged.

i sighed loudly and walked out the door after waving to mrs. byers with pleading eyes.

but she looked past me and out the door instead of making eye contact.

damn it.

"soo.." richie paused, shutting the door behind him. "why am i here?" i interrupted, stopping in my tracks.

"um, you should be glad i got you out of that hell hole." his head hung as he gave a 'bitch really' look.

"if you were a true friend you would know that's my favorite class ass wipe." i mumbled, luckily he didn't hear it though.

we begin to walk out to the front of the school, "okay seriously richie, stop playing games. why did you bring me out here?" i questioned, tapping my foot on the concrete.

"i just wanted to take a drive through memory lane babe?" he smirked, grabbing my hand and bringing me towards the passenger seat.

"wait." i stopped, "you aren't going to dump me in a lake, right?" he looked at me dumbfounded.

"are you fucking serious? no kimmie god damn." he opened the door and extended his arm out for me.

i slowly grabbed his hand, squinting my eyes. "okayy.."

he shut the door behind me and walked to his side, taking a seat and starting the ignition.

"why are you such a douche pants sometimes and then other times you're like this?" i bluntly asked, staring at the way his lips moved when he talked.

"i don't know to be honest, i wish i did." he shrugged.


not what i was expecting.

"richie rich" / richie tozier (fwolfhard)Where stories live. Discover now