chapter twenty eight (come on kimberlina)

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"richie." i smacked him across his cheek, but he was still dead asleep. "come on." i mumbled to myself as i got up.

"i'm giving you three seconds before i jump on you." i warned, "i've gained a couple pounds since last month." i nudged his foot, but still no movement.

"you know you can jump on something else of-" he started, but that was it. it was too late. i was already flying through the air.

i landed right on top him, which made him laugh. "the fuck are you laughing at that was supposed to hurt." i pouted, "i've just never seen you so eager to-" but yet again, i cut him off.

"it's not even 10 in the fucking morning yet!" my mouth hung agape. he tugged on my hand, making me lay back down next to him.

"get a shirt on, it's freezing." i stated, as i nuzzled my. head onto his bare chest. "take your shirt off and we'll be even." i could almost hear his smirk.

"you know i love you, but you need to calm down with your joke." i patted his head, "who said i was joking?" making me roll my eyes.

"you sure are talkative today, aren't cha." i laughed, i went up to my closet and threw him one of his shirts, grabbing one for myself.

"i gotta piss i'll be back." he kissed my forehead and walked out into the hall. i sighed, and stepped downstairs to go make some food.

mom and dad aren't home anyways. i pulled the bowl up to my chest, making sure not to spill, as i watched the tv.

"hey babe?" i looked back to find richie, standing almost butt fucking naked.

"i left my extra pants in the dryer, will you grab them for me?" he batted his thick eyelashes, and stuck out his bottom lip.

i groaned and set the bowl down, running to the dryer and yanking them out. i closed my eyes and lifted out my arm.

he grabbed my hand instead and pulled me into a hug. his hair was dripping wet from the shower and it was making my shirt cold.

"richie," i whined, shielding my eyes. "just love me." he whined right back, i groaned and then returned the hug.

"now i have to change." i pouted and trudged upstairs. "hey k?" he yelled from downstairs. "what?" i yelled back down.

i just changed my shirt and was heading to my closet to get pants.

my door slammed open and out jumped richie from my closet, except his hair was tangled and had red blotches on his clothes.

"come here." he whispered, motioning his hand towards him. "how did you-?" i pointed towards the door.

"come and float with me, you'll love it. we all float down here!" he gave a creepy grin.

"kimmie?" i heard him yell from downstairs again.

i turned to face 'richie' again, "you aren't real." i shook my head. he ignored me and continued to speak.

"come on kimberlina, come float." his voice trailed back into the darkness of the closet.

i slowly started to walk closer, until the real richie busted through my main door.

"are you okay?" he came up to me, but i stood frozen, staring back at where he once was.

"you were- you were just-" i lifted and hand and pointed down at the door. "what are you talking about?" his head tilted in confusion.

tears brimmed my eyes, "come here." he pulled me into a hug and sat me down on the bed.

"what happened?"

"richie rich" / richie tozier (fwolfhard)Where stories live. Discover now