chapter twenty seven (don't cry baby k)

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"but you know what i'm still confused about?" he pulled away but still held onto my hands.

"how the hell you look so fucking smashin'." he bit his bottom lip.

i scoffed and pushed him back, a laugh escaping my lips.

"beep beep richie." mike walked past with el, hand in hand.

i didn't mind, but the deathly glares they sent me and richie both gave me the chills.

richie stepped forwards, but i grabbed his arm and tugged him back.

"not now." i whispered, turning my head away from the pair.

he pushed up his glasses, "he looks like a fucking nerd anyways." i coughed back a laugh, considering he still didn't know.

he faced me, pushing me up against a locker. "ya know babe, i could use some lip action." he puckered up his lips, making kissing noises.

he smirked, grabbing at my sides. "in your dreams four eyes."

he rolled his eyes, "okayy, we had a nickname thing going but you kind of went too far."

he crossed his arms childishly, but then uncrossed them when he saw my stare.

i began to walk ahead, occasionally looking back to see him getting closer.

"did you get those jeans on sale?" he asked, taking me by surprise.

"uhm, i actually i think i did, why? i actually need to go back to the store. i ripped a hole in these and they are having a sale tomorrow." i stuttered, brushing them off with my hands.

"you can get them 100% off at my house." he winked, grabbing my ass.

"richie, i'm going to murder you." i swatted his hand and leaned my head on his shoulder.

he wrapped an arm around me and hugged me tighter.

"i need to lose my virginity before i die, soo when should i pull him out?"

"shut the hell up!" my face reddened, "awee, you're blushing." he pinched my right cheek and shook it softly.

"ouchh" i swatted his hand yet again.

"you'll be saying a lot more than that when i get ahold of ya tonight." he lowly whispered, he laced his fingers with mine and leaned in.

i quickly dodged it, making his kiss my cheek.

"paybacks a bitch richie rich." i smiled sweetly, untangling our hands and walking out the main doors.

"so i'll see you tonight?" he yelled after me.

next thing you know i hear footsteps and i immediately turn around, thinking it's richie.

"i already told you my answer tozier." i laughed, a genuine smile placed on my lips.

"answer to what?" mike asked confusedly, scratching the back of his neck.

"i'm not supposed to talk to you anymore wheeler." i stated, twisting back forwards and walking a bit faster.

"look, no hard feelings, i get it. i have el, you have richie." his hands were moving as he spoke.

"i love el and i wouldn't leave her." he sounded as if he was reassuring himself more than telling me.

"and i love richie, so it works out." i shrugged, continuing to walk to my car. "would you stop walking? i'm trying to tell you something." his voice got louder, "it's important." he got a bit quieter.

i stopped in my tracks, "fine, what's going on?" i sighed, making mike tilt his head downwards.

"el knows about richie being my brother. i can't trust her enough to know she won't tell him."

he paused, "especially after today." he finished, his eyes became glossy.

"you need to tell her that it's important to you. if richie finds out, we all go down. he will never speak to either of us again." i spoke, stumbling over my words.

"he is going to hate me, you have to tell him mike, do it before someone else does." i covered my mouth, i started breathing heavier, my anxiety slowly began to devour me as time passed by.

"kimmie? mike?" richie ran over as fast as he could, he stood in front of me. "what the fuck do you think you're doing here wheeler."

he pushed his glasses up and put a hand behind his back for me to grab. i did, and came up beside him.

"something happened at home richie." my voice cracked, i turned away and unlocked my car, setting my stuff inside so he wouldn't see me.

"i'm sorry mike, you just have to know that i don't particularly like you, because i love kim. but if kim thinks you are okay, then we are cool. what happened?" he put a hand on his shoulder, mike was at a loss for words.

"richie i'm sorry, but i'm just not comfortable telling you." and with that he walked away.

"damn, i even tried to be nice!" he laughed, but turned silent once he saw my face. "why're you crying babe?" his hand touched the side of my face, rubbing circles on my cheek.

"uhm, monthly cycle?" his eyes drooped low, "you don't want to tell me?" he asked, slowly dropping his hand.

"no, babe, i do. it's just i can't betray mike like that." he scoffed loudly, "so it was mike?" his voice spat venom.

"it's not my story to tell, it's just heartbreaking considering he wasn't ready. he is about to be put on blast by someone who is so close to him. and he can't do anything about it." a tear slipped down my cheek.

"don't cry baby k." he wrapped his arms around me and sat his chin on top of my head. "i'm sorry i just get jealous because i know he has feelings towards you, and i don't want you to leave me. but i totally understand if you like him."

i shook my head, "i already told you, i love you. and only you richie." i kissed his cheek, "always." he gave a small smile, "i love you too kimmie."

"will you come over?" i stuck my bottom lip out.

"so we ARE on for tonight aye?" he winked, smirking.

"sometimes i really want to hit you." i rolled my eyes.

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