Chapter 21

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Dark Continent, Carthargo, Colony of Reim (A/N: I'm making where they are and some stuff bolded so no one will get confused)

  As Sinbad, Ja'far, Mystras, Sora, and Masrur were walking, they came across two guards stationed at where they were heading. Telling them to not go past, Sinbad told them not to worry because he had some reliable friends. Before the guards could reply, Hina walked past, while Drakon was in a hood, them saying they'll have to let them through.

"Hey, Sin. If they didn't let us through, would that mean I can beat 'em up?" Sora asked innocently.

Sweat dropping, Sin replied "I think that would make it worse..." With that said, they made to the Dark Continent.

The land south of the Reim Empire is commonly known as "The Dark Continent." Except for colonies like Reim's city of Cathargo, the entire continent is a savage untouched place.

"Amazing! What a Desert!" Sin said blushing, along with Mystras, smiling.

  Sora was very excited. She tried running ahead of them but Masrur caught her wrist. He shook his head while she pouted.

"The Dark Continent has a climate that differs greatly between the north and south. We're currently in the northern region, which is largely desert like this. As you travel down into the southern region, it seems like the climate becomes more tropical, and it's covered by various kinds of vegetation." As Ja'far kept explaining, it seemed no one was listening. Continuing, he started talking about aiming for the southern region. "...Are you even listening to me, Sin!" Ignoring him, everyone simply was too excited. 'This is the Dark Continent.' 

Time skip~~~

  Sin was talking to his employees about who was going to check it out with him. "...Because of that, I plan to take with me only those good at fighting. Hina. Ja'far. Mystras. Drakon. They will be the four to accompany me..." Before he could continue, Masrur and Sora interrupted him.

"I... want to go." Masrur said timidly. 

"I wanna go too!" Sora said determined. Without saying anything, they were going. "Yes! I get to see where Mas lived!"


"Well yeah. I wanted to give ya a nickname like I do with all my friends!" She grinned, keeping her eyes closed. She put her arm around Masrur's neck, and kept ranting on.

'Friends...' This made Masrur very happy. Although he didn't show it, he smiled.

Time skip~~~~~~

  Arriving there, they were amazed. "The Dark Continent. The birthplace of the Fanalis..."

"I wonder what they're like! If we find 'em, I'm definitely fighting one of 'em!" Sora said. Looking at her like she's crazy, they asked why. "When I find someone rrrreeeaaalllyyy strong, makes me wanna fight 'em! Of coarse, for fun!" Shaking their heads, they only smiled.

"It'd be great if he could find some of his family or friends." Hina said

"Yeah, it would." Sin said

"Sin, about that..." Ja'far said

"What's up?"

"In addition to the Fanalis, it seems like there is another unique culture that exists here on the Dark Continent. It's known as 'Heliohapt.' A mysterious country which has been ruled by its royal family for hundreds of years. There are also rumors that its power surpasses that of both Sasan and Artemyra..." As he continued, saying 'that it has nothing to do with them', Sin decided to go there. "...We're going there, aren't we...?"

Magi x Fairy Tail crossover: prequelWhere stories live. Discover now