Chapter 51

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  Once they stood in front Masrur and Sharrkan, Sin  and Ja'far checked if they were alright with two Torrans and the chief walking towards them.

"Where's Sora?" Sin asked looking around

"She's on the camel." Masrur pointed to where she was. By now, Sora could move a little.


"W-well...funny story..." Sharrkan was scratching the back of his neck, laughing nervously. "She might've got...poison in her system..."

"What?!" Sin quickly ran towards Sora. He checked for wounds and saw the cloth wrapped around her wounded hand. "Sora, are you okay?! What happened to your hand?!" As he kept pestering her, she waved him off.

"I'm fine, Sin!"

"B-but your hand...and the poison..."

"I'll live! 'sides, the poison should be out of my system by now!" Jumping down, she stumbled a bit but regained herself. "See?" However, that didn't stop him from worrying. Sighing, she simply walked away and stood beside Masrur.

"...Are you okay?"


"What about your hand?"

"It'll heal!"

When the chief reached them, he asked, "What...happened here?"

"Ah...Torran village chief! These people are slave traders." As Sharrkan said, the chief's brows furrowed. "Their target was your village, but we've captured them. Now the Torran people will be safe! We won't stand by and let a tragedy like slave trading occur...!" Sin stood beside them and messed up Sora and Masrur's hair, happy for them.

"All by yourselves? Good job! As long as you're all right, that's what matters."

However, Ja'far was agitated by this. "That's not good. You're all beat up, including Sora! Heck! She has a wounded hand!"

"I'll be fine! It'll heal in a few weeks!"

"That's not the point!"

As the chief watched this, he looked down. 'Even these small children fought for us...' "...What a strange group of people..." He mumbled. "You have my approval."

"Chief?!" This caught their attention.

"Do not misunderstand. I still don't trust you completely...but you are different from other outsiders... Yes...I've got a feeling about you." Even if you couldn't see his mouth beneath his beard, he was smiling.

"Thank you...very much!" Sin smiled.

Turning away, he started walking away. "The sun is setting. You may stay in the village tonight."

Sin nodded and Ja'far smiled happily. Reaching his hand out towards Masrur, Sin stood next to Sharrkan, Sora, and Ja'far. "Let's go, Masrur..."

Masrur looked at it, clenching his fists. After a few minutes, he took Sin's hand. Sora grinned and put her arm around his neck as they walked away. Turning away, he had a small smile but it falter. 'The Dark Continent...the land where my people once lived... I may never set foot here again...' Tears formed at the thought.

Sora noticed them. "What's wrong, Mas?" She tilted her head.

"...Nothing." He stopped walking, making her take her arm off him, head tilted. 'Goodbye, Homeland of the Fanalis...'

"If ya say so..." Noticing that they were a little behind, she walked backwards, holding her hands behind her back, smiling, and eyes closed. "C'mon, we need to catch up!

Magi x Fairy Tail crossover: prequelWhere stories live. Discover now