Black Eyes {2}

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Chapter Two

Year: 200100

It was black, so black. And my head hurt. Was I dead? I could see things moving around me in the darkness, brushing up against my face. I couldn't see Richard, or my hand in front of my face. All I could see was the faint outline of something standing right in font of me. Where was I? 

I suddenly felt something entering my head and oh, my God did it hurt. Something was crawling into my ears, my nose, my mouth, my eyes. I screamed, so loud. I heard a scream next to me. Richard! I could feel this thing crawling around my head, I could hear it, it was laughing. Laughing at me.

                                                                              * * *

I screamed as I landed on hard ground, light flooding my eyes. I squinted, now where was I? I looked around, Richard was lying next to me. I moved over to him and shook him. My head was pounding, I could still feel this thing in my head, pushing me backyards. Okay, not dead, good. I looked at myself and Richard. We had no visible injuries

Richard opened his eyes, he squinted and looked up at me and pointed behind me. I looked up to see people with guns pointed at me.

"How did you get outside the games?" One asked, pulling me and Richard to our feet. I shook my head at him.

"Games? What? Where are we? What happened?" I slurred, my head was so sore. The man with a gun raised and eyebrow at me.

"You are under arrest..." He started talking about things that I jut didn't understand. He grabbed me and Richard and dragged us away from the place we had woken up in. "What are your names?" I didn't quite hear at first, the pain in my head was too great. He had to repeat himself before I heard him clearly.

"Erm... Charlie Morris" I said " That's Richard Cash" I pointed to Richard. He nodded and mumbled something about having a sore head. Maybe it was just how we landed. But I didn't believe that, seing as I could feel something in my head and could feel myself growing weak. I could hear it, what it wanted.

"Speak up!" The man yelled. I put my hands on my head and groaned in pain. Do they really have t speak so loud?

"My head hurts and I have the feeling that Charlie's does as well" Richard said, a bit more clearly this time. I nodded at the man.

"Not my problem" He said. Gee, thanks dude. First we get sucked into this weird thing, now I have a headache and you are arresting me and not giving me anything for the pain. Useful. People were holding my arms and were dragging me down corridors and into lifts. I looked around, there were cells on each side of me and they seemed to go on for quite awhile.

I suddenly felt the urge to punch these people and run away. I had done karate lessons with Richard when I was twenty, it was how we met. But I was a black belt and unbelievably tough. We turned a corner and my wish was granted. Walking up the other way were three people. Two men, one woman. The two men had guns and were aiming at the guards.

"What are you doing out of your cells?!" One yelled. A man with two semi automatic guns (Or at least that's what I thought they were) walked up and punched the guy in the face. I took the chance to kick the guy holding me in the shin. He fell to the ground and I kicked him in the face, the guy fell over, unconscious. I turned around to see that all the other guards were down on he ground, except oe. I punched the last guy in the face and watched as he fell with he others.

"Charlie! Why did you do that?" Richard asked. I actually had no idea why I beat two guys up. They seemed liked bad guys and the three people that were walking towards us seemed lik good guys.

"They seemed like bad guys, they were going to arrest us" I said, Richard sighed and shook his head. Did I disappoint him? I have always been a very violent person.

"You were right about that" Said the man holding to guns, I turned to him "I'm Captain Jack Harkness. This is Lynda with a 'Y' and the Doctor" He pointed to each one as he said their names, then stuck his hand out to me. I took it.

"Charlie Morris" I said, the nodded at Richard "Richard Cash" Captain Jack nodded and turned to the man called the Doctor, who nodded at him.

"Come with us" He said "Both of you, you seem useful" I grabbed Richard's hand and we followed them. The girl, Lynda, walked next to me. Richard wrapped a protective arm around me.

"How did you get out of the games?" She asked. What were these games that everyone was talking about? I didn't even know where we are and people are talking about games. What is this pace?

"What games?" I said, Lynda gave me a confused look.

"You know, we are on the Game Station, no one gets out of here, well except us. You get chosen, you know, weird gold light, then you're in a game" She explained. There was no gold light, just black.

"There was no gold light.." I explained to Lynda what had happened to us. At the end of it, I had the Doctor's and Captain Jack's attention. Richard had said his experience when everything was black and it was nearly exactly the same as mine, except he wasn't I a much pain as I was. I looked at the Doctor, he was frowning.

"I have never heard of that before" He was trying to think of what it was. Suddenly my head burst into pain again and Richard and I let out synchronised yells. I could feel something in my head, fighting me.

 We were standing in a lift, going up to the top floor. The Captain and the Doctor had guns ready, but had put them down and had turned  to look at us.

"Something is very wrong. Are you okay? What year did you say you were from?" The Doctor asked. I nodded at him and held my head in my hands, I looked at Richard, he was doing the same. I thought for a second, I hadn't actually told him what year we were from or asked what year we were in. I also didn't see how that was important

"We are from the year 2022, what year is this?" I asked, getting very worried. My head hurt again and I groaned. The doctor gave me and Richard a sympathetic look.

"It's the year 200100" He said. My hand shot up to my mouth. 200 000 years had passed. Every one I knew was dead, my friends, my family, everyone. I felt tears welling up in my eyes and felt Richard's arm go around my waist. A whole different time, I had no idea what had happened in these past 200 000. I wanted to live my life. What about everyone else? Was I missing? Was I dead? Did anyone care? Tears spilled ot of my eyes and I sobbed.

The lift stopped and opened. We walked out and my head burst into pain again. I sat down against something, these big boxes that held cables that ran nearly the length of the room. I looked at Richard, he sat next to me, holding his head. I watched, but couldn't hear, the Doctor talking to this person hooked up to computers. I watched Captain Jack walk into another room. I watched Lynda teleport from one part of the room to the other, the whole the pain I my head getting worse and worse. Everything was so loud and confusing.

I watched Captain Jack hug the doctor and yell something out. That was when it felt like my head was being ripped open. I felt something pushing it's way through my head. Then I felt myself losing control of my own body and letting this thing have it all.


A.N: I know it's really bad, but I don't care Hopefully it will get longer and better as it goes on. :)

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