Black Eyes {10}

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A.N: The year will change during this chapter, just so you know. I will say when though.

Chapter Ten

Year: 2013

I stand in front of the place the Torchwood team use as their base now. Only Jack, Ianto and Gwen are there, Rex didn't want to join. Richard is with me, he is always with me now. I am too scared to let him go. But our relationship is going downhill, we are both utterly depressed and we need something to do.

I knock on the door, waiting for a few minutes until the door opens. Ianto stands there, he seems glad to see me. I don't even smile at him, I can't.

"I need to speak to Jack" I say. I feel pain in my head and clutch at it. The thing is still trying to get at me and it hurts, so much. Ianto nods and moves so that we can get inside.

"Follow me" He mumbles and walks off. We follow him around the house until we reach a room. One filled with computers and bookshelves and technology. Jack sits there, typing away at a computer, but looks up when he sees the door open. I see Gwen in the corner of the room, on her phone to Rhys.

"Hello" Jack says. "Got something for me have you?" I just nod.

"We want to join Torchwood" I answer "And I can rebuild the hub, with the help of Richard of course"

                                                                                         * * *

Year: 2015

"You still look so young Ianto, like you haven't aged a day" I hear Jack say. A scowl flashes across my face. Why hasn't Ianto told Jack yet, it has been four years. I stand up and pull Ianto aside.

"Why haven't you told him yet Ianto?" I ask, a little angrily.

"Because I don't think he will be very happy about it" Ianto answers. I close my eyes. I'm in the rebuilt hub, Richard and I rebuilt nearly as soon as we joined Torchwood, even though Jack says we have been members for years. I hear Ianto mumble something and only just hear him.

"Well tell him, or I will" I say.

"Okay, I will tomorrow" He says, I nod and walk off.

                                                                                     * * *

But Ianto doesn't get to tell Jack. There was some rift activity and we had to go out and deal with it. Stupid blowfish alien things with their stupid bloody heads.

I can hear the alien talking and Jack making smart come backs, but I can't do anything, the pain in my head is too great. It does this sometimes, gives me a whole heap of pain that I just can't deal with and I feel like I have gone into shut done. Just one glance at Richard tells me that he is in the same position. I see a quick picture. Bugger.

I hear the bang of a gun being shot and only just see Ianto's body slump to the ground, a hole in his head. The pain goes away nearly immediately. I hear another bang, the blowfish alien. Jack turns and kneels down next to Ianto and I hear his sobs, I just don't quite register them in my head. I just know he will be okay.

"Jack, Ianto will be fine" I say. He looks up at me in shock.

"Don't you see the hole in his head Charlie, he will not be okay, he is dead!" Jack practically screams at me. I never thought that Jack would be this sad over Ianto's death, even if he will come back in a few minutes (I know he will, I tested a few times). All the times I see this in my head, it seems a little shocking, but in real life, it's unbelivable. Since the 456 invasion, they seem to have gotten much closer to each other.

I reach over and touch Jack's shoulder, trying to tell him that Ianto will be alright, but he just shrugs it off, tears running down his face. He is still sobbig for many minutes and Ianto still hasn't woken up.

Jack begins to calm down after about twenty minutes and I am begining to grow worried. Ianto still hasn't woken up. Jack is still crying, but he isn't sobbing like he was before. He looks to me in anger.

"Why aren't you sad!? How can you not be sad!?" He screams. Suddenly Ianto jerks up into a sitting position. Making Jack jump backwards a little, something I think I have never seen jack do.

"How do you people deal with that" Ianto says to me, then his face pales and he turns to Jack.

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