Black Eyes {3}

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Chapter Three

Year: 200100

Power surged through me and I felt something else take control, the thing in the flat. I was still watching through my own eyes, but I couldn't control anything I said or did. I stood up, Richard was next to me. We turned our heads towards Captain Jack Harkness and the Doctor. Suddenly I saw all these pictures, a planet being destroyed, these metal creatures, the Doctor turning into someone else, a blue police box that was call a T.A.R.D.I.S, a blonde girl being pulled towards a wall. That was the Doctor's past and future, I just seemed to know.

I trned to Jack, I saw him dying, Torchwood, and lots of lovers, and Richard, and me. I saw a man, I seemed to know his name, even though I had never seen him before, Ianto Jones. I saw these aliens fallinginto a building in London and all the children standing frozen and talking at the same time. I saw the four of us, Jack, Ianto, me and Richard, we were fighting aliens. I saw Ianto die, Jack get his head chopped off and still be alive, I saw a big head in a jar called the Face of Boe and I knew it was Jack.  

The pictures went away and Richard an I spoke at the same time. Looking at the doctor"Doctor, child of Gallifrey. I see everything about you, your past and your future. I see who you will lose and I see who you meet." We walked towards him. "I see everything about everyone, even you. Your whle planet, up in flames, by your hand. Your so depressed. All those companions, all those people, all those lives, it's all on you. Or atleast that's what you think" I paused for a second. That voice, it was me, but it wasn't me at the same time, it was weird. "There is something else, something you think is following you. Two words. Badwolf" At that point, Richard dropped and I turned back to look at him.

"Well, this one must be more powerful than that one" More poweful, what is that meant to mean? I heard a voice in my head, it sounded like mine. It means, you have more of me inside your head, stupid girlI. I turned to Jack again. "You, the con-man, the time agent, the little boy in the Boeshane Penisula. I see your future too. I see your past, your time in the time agency, those two years they took from you, being stuck in the time loop for five years" It was Jack who spoke after that.

"How do you know all this stuff Charlie?" He asked, pointing a gun at me. I laughed.

"I am not Charlie, I am somting else, something much more powerful than a little girl out of her time... and her universe. I have powers, I can see people's past and future and I can move by only flicking my wrist" I moved my hand and watched a guy go flying into a wall. "I see your future, I am in it, all of it" That was when I fell to the ground, when I realised Richard was staring a me. I felt myself take control again. I didn't have a headache anymore.

What did it mean when it said I was out of my universe. I saw the pictures again, the one with the children, I knew what year it was. I would have only been a child then too and that stuff never ever happened, to anyone. And what was I doing with Captain Jack and Torchwood, what was I doing fighting aliens and telling Jack what he needed to do to- Oh, oh. I get it now, I need to be with him and Ianto because the timeline needs to go a certain way so that Jack can become the Face of Boe. I seem to know alot now and I don't like any of it. I don't like being able to see these things and I don't like having something in my head.

The Doctor and Jack rushed over to us. I told them about the children being frozen and told them I didn't it because it didn't happen.

"I'm sorry Charlie, Richard, but I honestly think that you are in some kind of parrallel universe. With a thing inside your head" Jack said. I reached over t Richard and brought him closer to me, needing him. I can't be in anoher universe, I just can't. The Doctor and Jack got up and walked back over to the front of the room.

"I saw you, when you were talking to Captain Jack, but it wasn't really you and it was scay to see you like that Charlie, your eyes were black, even the whites" Richard said and hugged me, I hugged him back. I wasn't really listening to anything he said after that, I was thinking and watching everything else around me. Black eyes? Did my eyes turn black when this thing took control? I looked at the screen that the Doctor and Jack were looking at and saw the metal creatures I had seen in the pictures, they were Daleks. I didn't know how I knew, I just did. I saw Jack and the Doctor run into a room and disappear.

I began to think, about everything I saw. Seeing me and Richard with Jack. I saw myself dying and coming back to life, same with Richard and Jack.... And Ianto. He came back to life too. There were so many pictures and the thing in my head kept on showing me more.

The T.A.R.D.I.S teleported back into the room and three people came out. The doctor, Jack and the blonde girl I had seen in the pictures, Rose Tyler. They walked to the front of the room and began to talk to people. I couldn't quite hear what they were saying, but eventually the Doctor pointed at me.

Jack began to walk over towards us. "They are evacuating the satellite. You need to leave" He said, I shook my head as Richard began to stand up.

"No we must stay" Jack and Richard looked at me like I was crazy "You saw the images Richard, you know we have to stay" He reluctantly sat down again. Jack nodded and walked away.

"Why Charlie? I need to go. I can't deal with any of this. Aliens can't exist, they just can't" Richard began to ramble hysterically about aliens not existing. I had forgotten, he didn't believe in aliens and I didn't know what his reaction would b if he ever found out they were real. I put my arm around him and pulled him into a hug. I whispered soothing words to him. I looked up to see Rose, the blonde girl. She sat next to us.

"The Doctor told me what happened to you guys" She said. We got into a huge conversation about what it was like back in London and the differences between our universes. She left when the Doctor called her over.

Jack came back over to us, holding two guns. "If you aren't going to leave, you could atleast fight with us" He said, holding the out to us. I grabbed te gun and looked at Jack. I saw another picture, it was as if I was looking through Jack's eyes at what he saw. It was me, being shot by a Dalek and Richard was already dead. Jack took at step back from me.

"What is it? What happened?" I asked, suddenly hysterical. I don't want to die, no way. I saw another picture, through Rose's eyes, it was me talking to her. I didn't hear what I had said, but it was like I already knew.

"Your eyes, they went black. Only for a second though" Jack said, I had forgotten he was there. He walked away, motioning for us to follow him. Did my eyes go black every time I used I saw something? I didn't feel the thing take control of me though.

I got up with Richard and walked past the Doctor and Rose. This was where my vision was. I turned to Rose, already knowing what I had to say.

"When the bad wolf comes, you need to save Jack and us. For Jack's sake, you need to save us" I whispered it into her ear, so that the doctor didn't hea me. I turned away and followed Jack into the lift.

                                                                                 * * *

I was standing on floor 494 of Satellite Five, behind a wall of metal, holding a gun. The daleks were already there, shooting at us. I heard a scream next to me. It was Richard, he was lying limp on the ground. I knew I was about to be killed too. I shot at the daleks. One turned to me.


I screamed, it was one of the most painful things ever. It went black and I knew I was dead.


A.N: Not the end, DUH. There will be more.

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