Black Eyes {13}

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A.N: I am sooo sorry that this took so long. And yes I have decided to continue, for now anyway.

Chapter Thirteen

Year: 2020

Everyone is happy, well when I say everyone, I mean Jack and Ianto. Me and Richard? Not so much, well I say not so much, I mean we are unbelievably depressed and nothing can make us feel happy. Jac is trying to help us, saying that he went through something like this because he was immortal, but he doesn't know what it is like to have another being inside your body, well he probably does, but still.

I feel as though I am getting better though, but I haven't smiled or laughed in atleast four years, neither has Richard. I haven't noticed any new powers that have come from the stupid thing in my head, but I have noticed that I am getting stronger, so is Richard, but he still isn't as strong as me.

I sigh, snapping out of me daze, I seem to be doing that alot lately, just blanking out and not paying attention to anything. I think Jack is talking to me, not about anything important though, so I don't really care what it is. I think Ianto went to make coffee or clean up the hub. Richard is sitting next to me, actually listening to what Jack has to say.

"Charlie.... Charlie!" I hear Richard yell, I turn to face him.

"Yeah?" I say.

"Jack is trying to tell us how to get over our depression, are you even listening?" He asks. Okay, so maybe what Jack was talking about was important after all.

"No" I say truthfully. Jack and Richard sigh at the same time and I watch Richard drop his head into his hands.

"Why weren't you listening?" Jack asks.

"Because I blanked out again" I answer.

"You seem to be doing that alot"

"I know"

"I'm worried about you Charlie"And suddenly, just out of the blue, for no reason, I smiled. Just a small smile, but a smile none the less. I haven't smiled in four years and the thing that does make me smile is Jack worried about my well being. Jack seems to notice me smile and his eyes widen. He reaches over a shakes Richard slightly. He looks up and Jack points to me. The small smile is still on my face when Richard looks over. But I see this strange look in Richard's eyes and the smiles falls from my face.

"Ianto! Charlie smiled!" I hear Jack yell.

"What?!" Comes the reply.

"Charlie smiled!" I hear a bunch of words muddle together and don't understand Ianto's answer.

"I'm going to get some water" I mutter and stand up, walking over to the kitchen space I had made when Richard and I rebuilt the hub. I turn the corner and run right into Ianto, spilling hot tea down the front of his suit.

He begins to swear, saying that he liked the suit and that he was glad he had a spare in the hub. Then he glared at me, if you could call it a glare, it was more like a cross between a glare and a smile and it looked hilarious.

I began to make this noise, a very weird noise. I brought a hand to my mouth to stop the noise, but it didn't work. I dropped to my knees and only then did I realise that the noise was laughter. I was laughing! Today was a very weird day, first I smiled because Jack was worried about me, which he had told me many times before. And then I laugh because Ianto pulls a silly face, accidentally, might I add. I continue to laugh,my laughter getting louder and louder. I look up at Ianto, who is staring at me with shock and disbelief and excitement moulded into one strange expression, causing me to laugh harder.

I heard yelling and saw Jack and Richard come around the corner out of the corner of my eye. The looked down at me and I saw Richard smile widely. He has been smiling a little for the past year, but not much at all. I heard Jack laugh and looked up at him. I'm still laughing might I add, I can't seem to be able to stop. I think I heard Ianto start laughing too. They both bent down and help me up.

As soon as I stood up, I stopped laughing, it didn't die down or anything, just stopped as abruptly as it started. The others stared at me before wrapping there arms around me in a hug. It was probably one of the weirdest group hugs I have ever been in, not that I have been in many. They pulled away and stared at me. Just as it began to get weird, Ianto broke the silence.

"I need to change my suit. Thanks for getting tea all over it Charlie, I truly am grateful" He said and walked off. The comment made me snigger a little. Why am I laughing like this? Nothing happened recently for me to be like this. So why am I suddenly so happy?

"I think you are getting better Charlie" Jack said, as though he was answering my question. Richard walked over and pulled me into his arms, kissing me. And at that moment, I think I realised that jack was right, I really am getting better.


A.N: Not the last chapter, still more to go..... A lot more. And I hate this chapter, I hate this book.

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