Black Eyes {15}

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Chapter Fifteen

Year: 2103

It's my birthday. I have no idea how I am, probably over 250 years old now. Jack and Ianto are somewhere, I'm too lazy to figure out where. Richard is out getting me something for my birthday, because it's always good to get your wife her birthday present on her birthday and not expect your wife to give you evil looks. Richard has been trying to gain my trust for years. It got really bad for the first few years after I saw the vison of him shooting me, he still doesn't know. I had stayed away from him, I didn't know when it was that Richard was supposed to kill me, I still don't.

I am trying though. I still love him and I still want to be with him, I'm just scared. I shouldn't be scared though, I can just come back, but I don't think that's what I'm scared of. I think it's the fact that it is Richard shooting me. And that I don't know what I did for him to do that to me, but it must have been bad.

I'm bored.

Richard where are you, I'm bored. Very bored and I want my presant.

I want it now Richard. Can you hurry the hell up? I'm bored.

"I don't care if you're bored, you can still wait Charlie" Richard's voice called from the cog door of the hub.

"I didn't say anything" I said. What on Earth is he talking about? I didn't say anything, I know I didn't.

"I'm pretty sure you did" Richard turned. "Ianto, did you hear her say something?" Huh? Ianto was in the hub the whole time, when did this happen?

"Erm... No" Ianto said, walking next to him.

"Where did you come from?" I ask

"Jack and I got back about ten minutes ago, we tried to talk to you, but you were in your own little world" Ianto explained.

"Of course I was" I muttered.

"Erm... Hello? I just talked to no one. Charlie I'm sure you were talking to me" Richard said, trying to gain attention by waving his hands around.

"Well, what did I say?" I ask.

"I want it now Richard. Can you hurry the hell up, I'm bored" Richard replied. Uh... What? I was thinking that, exactly that.

"I didn't say that, I was thinking it" I said, unbelievably confused.

"Thinking it" Richard moved down from the entrance and sat next to me on the couch. "How did you do that?"

"I don't know. I was sitting here and I was waiting for you to get back, because I was bored" I explained.

"Do it again" Richard said. I gave him a confused look.


"I don't know! Think something!" I rolled my eyes and began to think. What do I say?

Erm... Bowties are cool?

"Anything?" I question, Richard just shakes his head.

"Try again" He says. By this point I have begun to grow very impatient. Can't I just get my present and have some alcohol with Jack and Ianto and Richard? No? Well screw you.

Can I just have my present already? I brought a hand to my head, that hurt.

"No, not yet, try and think something to me or something" Richard said.

"I just did, dumdum" I say impatiently. Richard gives me a shocked look.

"But I heard it clear as day" He said

That's probably because I'm in your mind. Richard brings a hand to his head and groans.


"Say something back" I order. I don't hear anything from him and when he asks me if I heard him, I shake my head.

How come you can do it and I can't? Okay, that hurt.

You just did it.

Oh. How can we do this anyway?

No idea, do you think it's got something to do with that thing in our heads?

Probably, I don't know. Now, do you want your present or not?


Ow! Not so loud!

Sorry.  Richard hands me a small, oddly shaped, wrapped box. I grab it eagerly and rip the packaging off to reveal a photo in a frame. The photo is of us; Richard, Jack, Ianto and I. Richard has his arm around me, and Jack has his arm around Ianto. I remember taking this photo, it wasn't all that long ago. We had gone to the zoo for a day off, and gotten this random to take a photo of us.

Underneath the photo was a smaller blue box. I opened it and gasped. Inside was a beautiful necklace, a silver chain with a blue saphire pendant hanging off of it. Richard took it out of the box and told me to turn around. He placed the necklace around my neck and I stared at it.

"Thank you" I whispered, kissing him lightly. I smiled. "Now lets go, I need a drink"


A.N: Sorry this took so long, school and friendship troubles don't give me much time to write.

I want to thank the lovely person who commented on the book recently, thank you very much for your lovely comment, it made me feel so much better about my writing!

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