Black Eyes {23} [END]

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(A.N: This is the last chapter. Surprise!!)

Chapter Twenty Three

Year: 2596

Two months later

I hadn't really moved out of Cardiff. The creature seemed to be happy scaring the pants off the other world leaders before it went and killed them all. I mainly stayed in the Torchwood hub. Jack and Ianto were locked in the vaults with the weevils. The creature made me go down there sometimes, hurt them.

I hate it.

I hate it so much, because I can't stop it, I just can't, no matter how much I try, I just can't stop it. There have been times where I took control for a few minutes and let Jack and Ianto out, but the creature would always come back and kill them and take them back to the vaults.

But when I woke up this morning, I felt different. More determined, but like I knew something bad was going to happen as well. But, today I going to fight, harder than I ever have before, I don't care about the consequences.

The creature is already on it's way to the vaults, laughing maniacally. The doors open and reveal Jack and Ianto, unfed, skinny and suffering, lying in cages. Ianto looks up slightly as I stroll in, his eyes begging me to gain control. Jack looks at me but doesn't move. I know he has given up on me, but today I will show him that I can do this.

"How is everyone today" The creature asks, smiling somewhat politely. It does this alot, act polite when really it wants to rip the person's head. I shove my way forward, causing the creature to make me stumble.

Don't you dare. It growls. You stay right there!

Damn you! Damn you! I scream, surprising myself. I've never actually talked to the creature before, not really. In a surge of confidence, I push forward once more, landing on my knees and in control. I clumsily stumble up, two months of no control have left nearly immoblie. I rest my hand on the glass wall of Jack's cage to hold myself up.

I can feel the creature pushing me around, trying to make me let go, but it's not working, not yet at least.

"Charlie?" Jack mumbles. "Charlie?" I nod and press a few buttons on Jack's vortex munipulator. The creature had been useing it for everything, which is great advantage right now.

The cage doors open and Ianto stumbles out. "I knew you would do it" He says and smiles at me. The creature tries to gain control again and nearly succeeds, shoving me against the wall.

I rip the vortex munipulator off and throw it to Jack as he stands up. "Run" I say, but they don't quite hear me because they are to bust embracing. "Run!" I say it louder this time, and their heads shoot up. "RUN!"

They run, out the door and into the main part of the hub, leaving me to fight my own mind.

Give me back control! The creature yells. This could kill us both! At those words, I realise what the feeling I had this morning meant. I would get control back, but it would kill both me and the creature.

It pushes for control again and I shove back harder, again and again and again. I can feel the creature's pain, I can feel it hurting... I can feel it dying. I don't know why this is happening now, why it didn't happen during the years where I had complete control. Maybe it always had control of me, some way or another. But now, now I am coming back.

The creature lets out one last final shriek before exploding. Or at least, that's what it feels like. I breath out and black smoke leaves my body, the same black smoke that pulled me from my normal life and into a parralel universe centeries before.

I collapse to the ground, knowing that there is nothing I can do. I don't think I am going to come back this time, I really don't. I think this is it.

Jack and Ianto run back in. "Why-" I cough, cutting myself off. "Why are you still here?"

"We heard screaming" Ianto says. "We had to come back" I smile at them, a tired smile, but a smile all the same.

"Are you back now?" Jack asks. "Is it gone?"

"It's gone, completely gone. Dead" I say. "And so am I"

"What?" Jack and Ianto exclaim at the same time.

"You'll come back right?" Ianto asks and I just shake my head.

"I think this is it guys" I say. "And for some reason, I just don't care. But, I want to thank you both, for all the help and for making me happy and for giving me a life. Thank you" My voice is going now, fading away and I am beginning to wheeze. Ianto grabs my hand and jack sits next to me, his arm around my shoulders.

"It was good knowing you Charlie and I hope you find peace where ever you go" Jack says.

"I'll miss you" Ianto smiles sadly and neither of them say anything else, I don't want them to, I am happy like this. It's strange, my happiest moment being my death, but I don't care, I am in too much pain to care.

I should be sad that I am dying, leaving this life. I know for sure that I won't come back and you know what, I'm perfectly okay with that.


A.N: The end. I hope you liked it. Also, I know it was a sad ending and stuff, but I might have something that will you happy. I might write a sequel, where Charlie was wrong and she does come back, but hundreds of years in the future. I don't have many ideas for it, but if you guys want it, I might write it.

Let me know in the comments, thanks for reading.

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