Black Eyes {18}

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Chapter Eighteen

Year: 2149


I'm so excited and it isn't even my wedding, I had my wedding years ago, best experience of my life.

Although, this wedding isn't going so well. It's only me Richard and Jack and Ianto. Ianto didn't invite his sister for obvious reasons. So, as it turns out, Richard and I aren't best man and best woman, we are just witnesses or what ever.

But right now, I am at Ianto and Jack's flat and Jack is at mine and Richard's. They are still doing the whole, no seeing the bride or groom or whatever the hell those to are before the wedding.

Ianto isn't talking to me, he's in the bathroom, putting on his suit. I had already changed into a knee length lime green dress.

Ianto? You alright in there? Yeah. I know it's pointless to talk to him telepathically when he is in the next room, but I need practice

Wrong person. Dammit! That was Jack. How come I can never talk to the right person? Richard can do it perfectly well, it's the only thing to do with our powers that he is better at.


Is everything okay? Is Ianto alright?

Yeah, he's fine. Everything alright on your end?

Yeah, Richard's getting dressed now, should be there in half an hour.

Alright, see you there.

"Ianto? How you doing in there?" I ask, not bothering to do it telepathically, I'll probably end up talking to a milk man in America or something.

"I'm fine" Ianto snapped. He was still angry, about what I did, about Jack now be able to talk to us telepathically too, about everything really.

"Ianto" I say. "I really am sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen, and I sure as hell didn't want jack to do it either. Please, I'm so, so sorry"

The door opened and Ianto stepped out, dressed in a black tuxedo. "It's okay Charlie, it's all okay" I sighed in relief at his answer. "Come on, we have a wedding to go to"

* * *

The wedding went well, no one left anyone at the alter, mainly because I threatened to kill them if they did, to which they countered with "Charlie, we are immortal" So I just told I would kill them over and over again.

I don't think my threat was the reason they didn't leave one another at the alter, but whatever.

Jack and Ianto expect us to run Torchwood by ourselves while they go on honeymoon, not that I really care, it's just that it will be very hard.

Buuuut, I do have a fantastic way to amuse myself: babble on and on to Ianto and Jack wile they are gone, just to hear their reactions. I have the feeling I will have really bad, or in my case good, timing and end up talking to them wile they are.... Hmm, how do I put this..... 'busy'.

I'm evil.


A.N: Hi there readers of this book. I know this chapter is short and that you didn't get to read their wedding or whatever. I can't write weddings and I apologise for that.

Just letting you all know that there is going to be a large time skip (Like, a few hundred years time skip) in the next chapter, it is also where things get really intersting.

I have the feeling that this will be a long book.

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