Black Eyes {11}

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Chapter Eleven

Year: 2015

"Explain! Now!" Jack yelled. We were back in the hub. It had been a very weird and awkward trip back. Gwen was there now, staring at us with confusion etched all over her face.

"Ianto is immortal, isn't that obvious Jack!" I scream back at him "I did it. I gave him a choice while we were in Buenos Aires. I asked Rex, Esther and Ianto if they wanted to do it and the only one who said yes was Ianto. If no one did I would have found a way to get the suitcase there. But there no realities where that happened, so I had to try something" Jack looked bewildered, he was staring at Ianto.

"Why would you do that?" He asked. Ianto looked down at his feet.

"You wouldn't understand" Was all Ianto said. Jack turned back to me.

"How did you do it?" He asked me.

"I used the blood Esther collected from your wound and injected it into him" I explained "Like I said before, there were no realities where no one became immortal. It would have been Rex if Ianto died when the 456 invaded like he was supposed to" I'm yelling, it's mainly the only thing I can register since my head has started to pound again.

"What?" It was Ianto who talked then "I was meant to die. I'm meant to be dead" Oops.

"No. It was one of the many realities I saw. I just saw things that would have happened if you died. In this reality, you were to become immortal" I reply.

"Because you chose it. You chose whether he would survive, you chose if he would become immortal" Jack snarled at me.

"NO!" I yelled "You chose whether he lived Jack. I gave you the gas mask, you didn't hae to put it on him. And he chose to become immortal, I gave him a choice!" My head was aching like crazy, the thing trying to push it's was into control.

"I always wondered where that gas mask had come from" Ianto muttered. Suddenly, I heard Richard yell out in pain.

"You stupid apes! I chose what happens in this reality, not you! I can control everything here!" He screamed. But it wasn't him, it was the thing, the big black thing that took us from out home all those years ago. It hadn't taken control of us for such a long time. I looked at Richard, his eyes were pitch black, but then they went back to their normal colour as he dropped to his knees.

"Richard. It's okay, it's okay. You need to rest" I said to him. Helping him to his feet. I turned to Jack, but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at Ianto.

"We need to talk. Now" He said and dragged ianto into his office. I caught a glance at ianto's pale face as the door was shut behind him. I went to take Richard out of the hub, but was stopped by a very confused and angry Gwen.

"What the hell was that about Charlie? What did you do?" She asked. God, how stupid can you get?

"You heard. Now leave me alone" I grumbled angrily before dragging Richard out of the hub and driving him home.

I know exactly what Ianto and Jack are talking about right noe, I had seen it. There will be lots of yelling and Ianto explaining. Then a confession of love. Then lots of kissing, but no confession from Jack. I know things will still be awkward for a few months, but when Gwen leaves, things seem to pick up.

I take Richard inside and drop him down of the bed before lying down next to him, trying to wipe the thought of that thing taking control of Richard from my mind.

A.N: Hi every one. I just want to say something. I'm not sure if I want to continue with this book. I like it, I'm just not sure if any one else does, so if you want me to continue, please say so, in comments or messages or something. Thanks.

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