Black Eyes {6}

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A.N: Yay, little filler chapter, just to explain something.


Chapter Six

Year: 1994

I was sitting on the couch, reading a book, my drink sitting on the bench in the kitchen of my small flat. Richard sat next to me reading over my shoulder. We were doing well, we were controling it. But we were depressed, living forever, never dying, it wasn't pleasent. I had already died eighteen times (Yes I counted). I was growing stronger every day, but Richard, well the thing kept taking control of him.

I can see people's future's now, I just have to look at them and I will see it, but my eyes still turn black. Richard can do it too.

I keep reading for a few more minutes, turning the page when we are both done. Suddenly I grow thirsty, I look over to the drink on the bench, longing for it. I look over to Richard, about to ask him to get it for me because I am lazy (Yes, that is my excuse). His head is resting on my shoulder, his eyes closed and his breathing steady, great, he's asleep. LAZY BUM!

I closed the book and looked at my drink. Maybe I can use the force. I reached my hand towards the drink and felt power surge through me, much like when I read people's futures. Suddenly the drink fell from the bench and wobbled towards me, the contents falling onto the floor.

I freaked and jumped from the couch, waking up Richard and making the glass fall and shatter. Richard jumped to the floor and stared at me.

"What is it? What happened? Are you okay?" He fired questions at me. I grabbed his hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said "Just look" I concentrated on the pieces of glass and saw Richard's mouth open wide as they floated up in the air. I moved my arm and the glass moved with it.

"Your, eyes are black" He said. It must be some kind power from the creature in my head. I could hear it laughing at me. You are getting stronger, I wonder if your husband can do it too. It said, laughing more. I begin to grow worried, this has never happened before.

"You try" I say to Richard. He nodded and reached his arm forward and I watched his face screw up in concentration. I turned towards the glass, it was hovering a little above the ground. The glass fell back down again.

"Did it work?" Richard asked. I nodded, my throat beginning to feel dry again. A new power, telekinesis.

"I need a drink"

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