Black Eyes {14}

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A.N: Wow, sorry this took so long. I can't be bothered making stupid excuses as to why I haven't updated in a while. Actually I can: I am lazy, very lazy.

Chapter Fourteen

Year: 2062

Gwen's dead. Bit of a shock really. But it's good to know that she lived a long life. Rhys had died about to years back, Gwen had told us. Anwen had told us this time. She came to the hub and told us, knowing about Torchwood and everything that had happened during the time that she was a member.

Jack and Ianto are sitting in Jack's office, having a private conversation, although I know exactly what they are saying. I hate it really, knowing what's going to happen or what has happened, I feel like I am invading people's privacy.

I am lazily making a pencil float in circles above my hand while Richard talks to me. I am getting better, so much better. But Richard, I don't know about Richard. I can't see anything about him unless I read Jack and Ianto, which I probably will do. I am so worried about him.

Richard stopped talking as Jack and Ianto walked out of the office, holding hands and talking sadly.

"Are you two alright?" I ask

"We will be" Ianto said, speaking for both him and Jack. Ianto walked over and made coffee, while Jack sat next to me on a brown couch, falling lazily into the corner.

"Jack's it's okay. It will all be okay" I say. He glares at me.

"How do you know?" He says angrily. I give him a look and he turns away, mumbling under his breath.

Suddenly and alarm blares and Jack shoots up from his seat, running over to one of the many computers in the large room.

"Rift activity. Close to here. Come on" He says, grabbing his military coat and chucking it on.

"Really? I was making coffee" I hear Ianto say from the kitchen area before running out a following Jack.

* * *

I woke with a gasp, trying to regain my breathing.

Bloody aliens, stupid bloody aliens and their stupid bloody guns. GAH! I dodged another bullet as an alien shot at me. I turned and flung the damn thing backwards and into a wall, reading it in the process.Aw, it thinks we killed it's mummy, strange.

I laugh a little, getting a strange look from Jack, who was fighting angrily. It makes sense, he needs to vent his anger and sadness and what not.

"It thinks we killed it's mum, and now it wants revenge" I yell over the loud sound of bullets. Jack gives me another weird look before shooting another alien. There is another weird gun shot sound and Jack darts off, towards the place where Ianto's temporarily dead body lays. He shoots the alien and stands there, waiting for Ianto to wake up. I looked around, Richard was dealing with the last alien, so I could do this without being randomly attacked.

I looked over at Jack and felt my eyes turn dark. It all rushed around me. His past, everything that happened with Gray. His future, dying so many times, seeing Ianto die so many times, marriage. It skipped a little and I ended up way to far ahead. There was a man, I could barely see his face, the view was distorted, which meant that Jack was crying. The man was talking calmly, saying goodbye, and I recognised the voice, a very scared Ianto Jones. I stopped watching then, I didn't want to know what that was.

I ended up where I wanted to be, the years just after now. Jack was watching someone, a man, I couldn't see quite well, he kept looking around him, yelling at someone to stop. As the image became clearer I saw that the man was attacking a woman, holding out a gun, pointing it at her head. Jack kept yelling and I tried to see who the man was. At first I thought it was Ianto, I thought Jack was screaming at Ianto.

But as I listened more, I realised that Jack was screaming at Richard. It was Richard holding the gun to the woman's head. And the woman was me, he was holding a gun at me. His eyes were black and he was yelling in that voice that it gave us.

Then the gun went off and my body fell limp against the floor.

I yelped and stopped reading, falling to my knees on the floor. Richard ran over to me, putting his arms around me.

"Get off me!" I screamed pushing him away. Jack turned and looked at me, holding a stumbling Ianto in his hands. They quickly came over and helped me to my feet as I glared at Richard, who was giving me a very confused expression.

"Charlie, are you alright?" Ianto asked. I shook my head. "Did you see something?" I nodded. "Not a good something?" I nodded again. I was going to be killed, which didn't scare me, not like it did. I would just come back. It wasn't being killed, it was the person that was going to kill me.

In a few hundred years or so, Richard was going to shoot me. He definitely wasn't okay.

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