Black Eyes {19}

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Chapter Nineteen

Year: 2595

Richard hand whipped across my face. I gasped and backed away. We were at home, there was no Ianto or Jack to stop it this time.

This isn't the first time Richard's hit me, first time was two months ago.

I had spilled tea on the floor of the flat and Richard went off at me. At first I thought it was the creature, but it wasn't, then he hit me. I was so shocked. I yelled at him and stormed out of the house and back to the hub, not really caring that Jack and Ianto were.... Busy.

They had stopped what they were doing as soon as they heard the cog door open and rushed over to me.

A bruise had already formed on my cheek and they thought someone had attacked me. The bruise quickly faded and I told them what had happened. They let me stay in the hub that night.

But the next day, Richard obviously knew that I had told them, because he hit me as soon as he saw me. Jack made him leave straight away and wrapped his arms around me as I began to cry. Ianto gave me coffee and offered to let me stay in his flat. I kindly refused, I needed to know why Richard was like this, because it was not the creature that was making him like this.

And I still don't know.

His fist connected with my nose and I fell to the ground. "You see, it's much more fun to hit you because you can heal and I can puch you over and over again" He began to kick me and I could feel tears running down my face.

Richard please. Even the voice in my head sounded desperate and in pain.

"Fuck you!" I hear Richard scream at me.

Jack, Ianto, help me. Please. I had finally learnt to speak to two people at the same time.

We're coming. Is it Richard?


Did you do anything?

I walked through the door with the groceries.

Oh God.

* * *

The next day at work, I stared at my shaking hands. Jack and Ianto had taken me back to the hub after screaming at Richard for what felt like hours.

I was walking towards Jack's office with a whole heap of papers that I needed him to sign when the cog door opened. Oh God, please don't be Richard, please let it be Ianto coming back up from the tourist office.

Jack came out of his office with a large grin on his face, which soon fell as he looked at the person that had come through the cog door.

I heard a gun cock, but it wasn't Jack's.

"You stupid bitch! Stupid bitch!" Richard repeated the words over and over again.

"Richard! Stop! Leave her alone!" I knew exactly what was happening as soon as those words left Jack's mouth. All those years ago, I had that vision, the one where Richard shot me. It's happening.

I turn and face Richard, only to see that his eyes are black. It was the creature, the whole time. Richard's lost complete control. Oh God, how could I let this happen? How did I not notice? Why didn't he talk to me?

Oh God, oh God, oh God.

Richard squeezed the trigger and the world went black.


A.N: I guess that explains Charlie's vision huh?

Oh, but wait, there's more to it! ;)

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