Black Eyes {7}

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Chapter Seven

Year: 2006

I was standing in Captain Jack's office in the Torchwood hub, Richard was talking to him about something, I don't remember what.

I looked around, the huge water tower immediately caught my attention. I stared at it until I heard the huge cog door open. I looked up. Ianto Jones stood there, giving me a very confused look.

"Sir?!" He said, growing a little worried. I heard Jack sigh and get up, walking towards the doorway.

"They are friends, Ianto" He explained, turning to me "I told you, you should have stayed in the office" I shrugged, not moving. Jack groaned and walked back in. I watched Richard as he started talking again.

"Well anyway, don't fire him, you got that?" Richard said, and I finally realised what they were talking about. Ianto's little cyber-girlfriend. I smirked.

I had seen Ianto a few times. The first time I saw him, I got very surprised, because I knew he was the man I had seen in my mind on satellite five.

Right now he was making coffee, deciding I wanted some, I reached up and concentrated hard. The mug of coffee that Ianto had just finished making floated over to me quickly, taking Ianto by surprise. I had mastered the telekinesis by now. But I hadn't been able to do any other powers as of yet.

Ianto stared at me in surprise, his eyes widening as he looked straight into my eyes, which were black, obviously. I began to sip the coffee and smiled at him.

"This is good" I said.

"What are you?" He asked. How rude!

"Hey, I complimented you, you could at least say thank you" I said, pouting a little. Jack walked back out of the office, a little angry. Hmm, I wonder why. Oh yeah, some one has his cyber girlfriend in the basement.

"What is going on?" He asked.

"What is she Jack?" Ianto asked, I heard Richard snigger behind me and felt the coffee leave my hands and float back over Ianto.

"Hey Richard! I was drinking that!" I pout at him and he laughs. I grab his hand.

"Ianto, this is Richard and Charlie, they are completely human. They just have powers" Jack explained. Richard and I nodded.

"What kind of powers?" Ianto asked.

"We can see people's past and future and, obviously, telekinesis" I answered, only because I don't think Jack knows much about us. "Oh and we are-" I nearly said immortal, but Richard cut me off.

"We are leaving" He said. Uhh... What? He grabbed my hand and dragged me away from Jack's office and past Ianto. Deciding to creep him out a little, I said.

"Hey Ianto, how's Lisa?" I whispered it to him. He looked at me shocked.

"I don't know what you're talking about" He said simply. I laughed a little before waving to Jack and following Richard out of the hub.

A.N: Sorry it's short

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