12.I miss you

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“Thanks for helping me with this. I suck at Calculus”

“Anytime and yah you do suck at Calculus” Chase replied while referring to my test papers. This was the only subject that I sucked at. And luckily, Chase was really good at this, so he tutored me.

It’s been a month since everything between Niall and I was over. I miss him, every single second, it is just so difficult. I know he misses me too but I just don’t know.

Chase has been a really nice friend in the past few weeks. I enjoy talking to him.

“Thanks, I think I should be leaving now”

“Okay, See you soon.”

I picked up my bag and made my way to the parking lot, just when I was about to enter my car, I felt a tight grip around my wrist. I turned and my eyes met the most beautiful ones I have ever seen. There he stood, just inches away from me, I could feel his minty breath, the way his eyes pierced into mine, the way he looked into my eyes with so much of love was flattering but still somethimng was stopping me.

“What do you think you are trying to do?” I don’t know why but I could see that he is angry.

“What are you talking about? Leave my hand! It’s hurting Niall” he loosened the grip.

“That Chase, he is no good for yah, trust me, he is not the guy you should be with”

“Oh seriously? Niall? You are the one who is saying that? You? The guy who dated a girl just to get into her pants?” I didn’t realize that I started crying.

“I said I am sorry for that, but please stay away from him, he is not a nice guy”

“Niall, stop it. Everything between you and me is over. You can not tell me what to do and what not to do”

“I can”

“No you can not”

“I love you Adrian, please, for god’s sake stay away from him, I am not asking you to come back to me, cause I know you won’t and the truth is I don’t even deserve you, but please”

“Stop doing this to me. Just stop it, stop saying the words you don’t mean, Niall, please I beg of you, stay away from me and just leave me alone.”

“I want to, but I can not. You do something to me, I can not keep myself away from you. You are just-“

“Stop it. You break me, every time I try to put a strong face, but you just break me”

He came closer to me, his face was just centimeters away from me, he dried my tears with his thumb. I missed his touch, with every touch he fixes my broken parts.

He gave a kiss on my temple and wrapped his arms around me protectively.

“I miss you” I heard him mumble.

“I miss you too” I whispered, i hope I was not loud enough for him to listen to it.

I pulled away within seconds.

“ I need to go” I said, he nodded.


“I need to go” with that she left me, alone in the parking lot. Fuck! I missed her touch so much, the way she hugged me, the way she looks at me, she is irresistible.

She thinks I didn’t hear her saying ‘I miss you too’, these words were enough for me, just the feeling that she misses me too was enough.

I hope she understands what I wanted to tell her about Chase, that guy ain’t good. I know him, he is upto something and I have to find out that soon.

I parked into the drive way.

I heard someone laughing when I entered the house, I saw Zayn and Harry sitting and talking.

“Long time no see mate” Zayn came and gave me a boyish hug.

“Yah, how is everything?” I said while taking a seat next to them on couch.

“All cool. You tell me ?”

“My life is a fucking mess. I need your help”

“Anything for you, whatsup?”

“I need you to find out what the hell is Chase upto, he has started getting close to Adrian, and we all know what kind of a guy he is”

“Why don’t you talk to Adrian about it?” Harry spoke in between.

“I did, but no use”

“I will try my best” Zayn said while taking a sip from his beer.


“so you coming to the party tomorrow night?” Harry asked us.

“Nope, not me” I replied. I don’t go the parties that much ever since our break-up.

“I don’t want to go either, I have plans.” Zayn replied.

“You sure Niall? Cause I think Chase will be there and Cece might be bringing Adrian with her. So?” Harry asked me. I think I should go but I have some business to deal with, I just cannot go.

“Zayn? Can you please go, I cannot.”

“Dude, I have to baby sit my little sister”

“Just one time? I have something really important, I need to be there”

“Fine, I will be with her”

“But, I am gonna be there too, why are you asking him? I can take care of her” Harry spoke in between.

“Oh seriously? You and your Cece get drunk and dance, you guys totally forget about her”

“Fine, whatever” is all that he said.

“Cut the crap guys, I will be there” Zayn said.


“So? You said yes?” I asked Adrian.

“I said yes” she replied.

“Thank god babe, it’s time for you to get over him, that fucking bustard."

“Cece!! Don’t call him that.”

“Yah yah”

I am so happy that Adrian agreed to go to this party tomorrow night with Chase, they do make a nice couple, I just hope that he doesn’t break her heart like Niall did. She deserves someone better.

“I will come at your place, to dress you up” I suggested.

“No, I don’t need your help, I will get ready on my own”

“Nope, I will come, we have to make you look hot”

“Fine, I am gonna sleep” with that she hung up the phone.

This girl and her crazy mood swings I swear!!


After talking to Cece, I changed into my sweatshirt and shorts.

When I got under the sheets, my phone buzzed. I had 2 messages, one from Chase and the other one from Niall.

I clicked on Chase’s message first, which said-

“Thanks for saying yes to come to the party with me. I will be at your place at 8.”

“Okay. ‘night” I replied.

“Good night love” he replied within seconds. Love? Seriously?

Then I clicked on the message from Niall.

“I hope you take care of yourself, just be wise with who you choose as your friends. Night love”

Every time, every fucking time, he messages me, I skip a heartbeat, when Chase called me 'love', I didn’t feel anything but when Niall calls me 'love'? I feel like there are thousands of butterflies.

I didn’t reply to his text, cause honestly, I don’t know what shall I reply.

I soon drifted to sleep with him in my thoughts……………..

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