15.Bringing back the memories

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(A/N: this happens later the day when Zayn, Niall and Adrian went to the police station)

I sat in the dark room, all alone, with her memories, the faded pictures of her smiling, laughing, kissing me, back in my head. I looked out of the window with a sigh, it was almost midnight, I saw the stars shinning. The only thing that came to my head was my first kiss, under the stars.


We both sat there, on the grass near a small lake, the stars were shinning bright in the sky but not as bright as her eyes, she looked into my eyes; my eyes met those perfect, brown eyes.

She scooted closer to me, and I leaned down, I cupped her cheeks and pressed my lips on her soft, pink lips, she kissed me back immediately. My first kiss was perfect, and the best thing about it was that I shared my first kiss with the person I love and hopefully will love forever.

We parted our lips and looked into each other’s eyes. I waited for 5 months before telling her that I love her, the reason that stopped me from doing it was that she loved one of my friend from a long time, but when my sister Doniya talked me into proposing her, I did and to my surprise, she didn’t reject me but replied

“I can’t promise you that I will fall in love with you within few hours, I really kike you, you are a great friend and I think its time for me to move on. If that’s enough for you, then it is a yes”

“That is, just the feeling of you being with me is enough for me”

Well, I know my proposal was stupid, and her reaction was definitely not the best, but when you are in love, you just are.

*back to present*

I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out a book from my drawer. I sat on the couch, with the book in my hands. I opened it, and a picture fell. I picked it form the rug, it was a picture of US, from I think 9th grade and we were eating ice-cream, and posed for the picture.

She still looks the same, just prettier; I have and always will love her.

I first met her in my chemistry class, when we were teamed for a experiment. From that day onwards, I was in love with her. We became good friends by the end of 9th grade. I knew that she liked one of friends madly, but still that didn’t stop me from asking her out.

I was so nervous while asking her out for the very first time.


She was sitting in the cafeteria with her friends, she looked gorgeous as always. Her smile can bring world peace. She waved me a ‘hi’ and motioned me to come and sit next to her.

“Hey” I said while takinga seat next to her and her friends.

“We have to leave for a class. See yah later” her friends said while getting up from their seats.

So it is just her and me now.

“Whatsup?” she asked me while taking a bite from her sandwich.

“I want to ask you something?”


“Are you free tonight?”

“Yah. Why?”

“I was thinking we could go and watch some movie? My treat.”

“Yes for the first part, but no for the second one, you don’t have to pay for me, but I will love to go out with you.”


“you want to go or not?”

“I do”

“Then just shut up and pick me up at?”

“The movie is at 8, so I will be at your place at 7:30”

“Perfect.” She said while giving me peck on cheeks.

We watched the movie, well to be précised she watched the movie, and I watched her.

*back to present*

I kept all the pictures back in my wardrobe and decided to get some sleep.

Suddenly my phone buzzed, I picked it up and saw Niall’s name.

“Niall? All okay? why are you calling me at 1 in the night?”

“Yah Zayn, all cool, I just wanted to thank you for everything.”

“No problem. I am glad that I could help you”

“I missed her so much, my life without her was just so messed up.”

“Niall? I need to ask you something”


“When I called you that night, where were you? I heard someone screaming. You are not getting into all of that all over again, right”

He didn’t say anything for few seconds

“Zayn, they blackmailed me. It was just one time thing, trust me”

“Fuck Niall. Does Adrian know about this? “


“You haven’t told her? Please do it. Please don’t break her heart again. Promise me it is just one time thing”

“Zayn, I know. I will never ever do anything that will break her heart. I will tell her soon. And it was just a one time thing”


“I missed her a lot”

“I missed her too” I mumbled into the phone.


“Nothing, I am going to sleep. Bye.” With that I hung up the phone.

I dozed off to sleep with her thought in my head.

I miss you Adrian.

A/N: Hopefully, you liked this chapter. Zayn was her ex-boyfriend. It was a sneak peek to his and Adrian’s past.

It all started with a dare (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now