Chapter 8 Disappered

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Sam P O V

I'm so happy I get ot see my mate again just as I'm about to run to Tyler. I feel arms going around me and hugging me to them. "I'm not letting you get away from me Samatha"Jason whispers near my ear. Jason puts his hand on my head and it glows. I hear a growl and then I feel faint and my eyelids feel heavy I let the darkness take over.

Tyler P O V

I was about to hug my lovley Samatha but then I look behind her and I see Jason he hugs her I rush forward but I'm pushed back into the other side of a wall. These some sort of wall protecting Jason and Sam. Jason puts his hand on her head and it glows. I growl. I try standing up but the pain in my leg is unbearable I fall agasint the wall. Jessica rushes up to me. I quickly get up ignoring the pain in my leg and push against the wall again. Jason smirks and kisses Sam's hair and suddenly two huge pair of black wings wrap around him and Sam and they disapper leaving black feathers on the ground. I hear footsteps and I see Mark looking furious and walking towards me. I lost Samatha again,my beautiful mate is gone. I fall to the floor no longer able to stand. Were did Jason even get all this power? and those wings he isn't a normal Alpha King.

Mark P O V

I finish the vampire I'm fighting. I've got to get to Samatha.


Please don't let it to be too late I thought. I quickly make my way downstiars but instead of seeing Samatha there she's gone. Tyler groans in pain I walk over to him. "You're hurt pretty bad I'll call over the pack doctor" Tyler looks up and his voice cracking he says "Jason...he took Sam" I nod my head "We'll get her back Tyler I'll help you we have to work together again to bring Samatha back" I quickly run out outside to get the pack doctor he follows me while the other growl at me. I ignore them and show them to Tyler. I hear footsteps and my brother and my people stand behind me glaring at those that are growling at me. "Ignore them Raven,we have to look for Samatha" I say looking at my brother "I never did get to meet your bride Mark" Raven says smirking. I turn around and I see Tyler trying to stand up,I walk over to him"You rest for a bit and heal while we go look for her. "I can't just rest when my mate is out there somewhere scared with that monster" Tyler rasies his voice. I hiss and my black wings shoot out of my back"wach it mutt if it wasn't for Samatha I would snap your neck" some of his pack growl at me. Tyler looks at my black wings Tyler eyes go dark and anger amd shock shows in his eyes "You're like him" Tyler says. I glare at him "I'm nothing like him" I say trying not to raise my voice. "We'll start the search hurt yourself if you want to but I'm not helping if you get your self in trouble" Raven comes to stand beside me and he shows his dark black wings "Let's go brother,if we stay to long we might lose her scent" I nod we quickly exit and I extend my wings as far as they can go and fly up to the sky. Samatha hold on a little longer I say inside my head.

Jason P O V

They can't stop me I have more powers then that Vampire and Alpha. I carry Samatha's body and lay her on a huge bed I brush away her hair from her eyes and kiss her forehead I lay beside her. We'll be together Samatha no matter what I thought. I close my eyes and hug Sam's body close to mine and retract my wings.


Will update soon.

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