Fighting The King Alpha-Part 3

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Mark P O V

I heard a loud scream and ran downstairs. I saw Samatha on Tyler's lap and she fainted as I saw Tyler shocked face. I quickly snatched Sam away from Tyler. She had a mark on her neck there was a bite mark but there was a moon symbol too. I quickly ran up to her room and put her in her bed. I heard a loud growl. Of course when werewolves mark thier mate they become possessive of them I thought "You need to chill Tyler beacuse you could have hurt her badly"


Tyler quickly went downstairs. I stayed with Sam to protect her if anything happenes.



Now what? I thought. I bent down on one knee I whispered a spell and a clone ran downstairs. I looked at what was going on through my clone. A girl was fighting Tyler I think her name was Jessie? Jessica? yea that was it. Jessica is Tyler's sister. My clone returned into my body. I looked over Samatha I cast a spell on her so she wouldnt get hurt.

I quickly went downstairs.

 Tyler is fighting in his wolf form.


I run upstairs the sound to the sound of breaking glass. I go into Sam's room. Glass is shattered on the bed and Sam is nowhere to be found. I feel a pierce in my back and my wings unfold streching to their full length. I fly out of the window and follow the scent that is dissapearing by every minute. I have to look for her quickly Jason must have masked his scent. Please Samatha be safe. I thought.

Sam P O V

"Im not sure this was a good idea my king"

"Shut up Richard she belongs here not over there they will only hurt her"

I hear voices all around me.

"Sam,Can you hear me"

"I hear you" I say in my mind to the voice.

"Oh I'm so glsd to hear your voicke you passed out when Tyler marked you"

"And how did you know Tyler marked me? Where you there" I say trying to open my eyes but I feel so weak.

"I-" just as the voice was about to answer my question I hear another voice.

"I think she's waking up" I recongize RIchard's voice.

I slowly open my eyes.

I slowly get up and clutch my head. I'm so going to make Tyler pay for marking me without my permission.

"Love are you alright?" I look up and see Jason standing by me. I quickly get out of bed and rush over to the wall. I'm too weak to defend myself.

"It's alright I won't hurt you Sam" Jason says walking slowly to be. I narrow my eyes watching every movement he makes.

"Stay right there and explain yourself Jason" I say in a stern voice.

"Elena was lying I didn't erase your memory" he says looking at me.

"I look to Richard" he nods his head.

If Richard agrees with Jason then I'll believe him Richard was like a brother to me and even watched me escape and didn't come after me.

"Are you really going to believe him Sam?!" A voice shouts inside my head.

"He's lying to you I'm sure Elena is a good person if see wanted you to get hurt she would have done it already" the voice says.

"Shut up and leave me be" I say inside my head to the voice.

I don't hear anything else after that.

I go over and hug Jason. Even thought I have a mate I think I care for Jason. He is also still my king. Then I pull away and see Raven rush through the door he sees me and smiles. He runs over and hugs me "You're alright" he pulls back he smilies warmly at me but then he looks at my neck and has a shocked look on his face. I quickly move my hair in front of Tyler's mark. I hear a growl behind me. Jason wraps his arms around me "Raven don't look at my Queen like that" Raven quickly replaces his shocked face to a smile "Sorry I'm just happy that our Queen is home again" he says.

"Well well isn't it the girl you're all interstead in" A woman walks in. She has long wavy blonde hair and red eyes. I look in her eyes and can tell she isn't a good person. Her aura is dark. She steps forward looking at me smirking. Jason moves in front of me "What do you want Gemma?" he fingernails grows and big claws shoot of of her nails "I came to see why you all are so interstead on" in a blink of a eye. The woman Gemma is standing in front of me. She takes a steo forward. Suddenly she hits something in front of her she rubs her nose but then she's thrown back into a wall leaving a huge dent in it.

I see a sort of shield around me. A man stands in front of me with short brown hair and green eyes but I blink and he's not there anymore.

"Don't worry Sam I'm here" I hear the voice say.

The woman gets up and sneers at me "HOW DARE YOU" she says shouting.

"GET OUT GEMMA" he shouts his wings are wide and at it's full length. His wings are blocking my view of Gemma. I hear a huff and a door bang shut.

Jason turns around and hugs me "I'm sorry Sam" I just wrap my arms around him and nod while he gently strokes my hair like he use to.


I will try to update again soon.




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