Fighting The King Alpha-Part 1

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Book 2

Chapter One

Sam P O V

I hug Tyler tightly. What bothers me is that I only remember who Tyler is nothing else.

"You Remember me" Tyler says. He bends down and gently kissess me running his hands through my hair. I kiss him back this time.

Knock Knock

Me and Tyler pull back "You have to get out of here" I say pushing him near the window. He nods his head "I will be back for you Sam" with that he jumps out the window.

I got and open the door I see Richard "What are you doing here Richard?" I ask.

"Jason wants to see you Princess" I nod my head "Ok give me a second"

I go have a quick shower and spray a little bit of perfume on me to hide the scent.

"I hope Jason didn't notice Tyler presence" I say to myself.

"He won't just act calm and youll be ok"

Huh? What was that I thought.

"You can hear me?" the voice sounds shocked.

"Yes,Who the heck are you?" I say looking around the bathroom.

Knock Knock

"Princess is everything okey in there?"

"Yea,fine I'll be out in a minute Richard" I hear Richard footsteps then hear the door close shoot as he leaves. I get out of the bathroom and get dresses. I put on a Black dress with a bow at the back and some pattered black tights. I head to the door. When I hear

"Good Luck"

I look behind me but there isn't anyone behind me. I will deal with this later I thought as I went into the halls and walked into a room leading to the Throne Room.

"You wanted to see me My King?" I say taking the ghost's advice in acting calm.

"I am no a ghost Sam"

"Shut Up" I thought to myself.It worked because I just heard a huff and I didn't hear the voice again.

"Someone is in our lands and its dangerous I'm going to let Richard and Raven stand outside you door"

 Jason says as he walks over to me and hugs me. I hug him back and hope he doesnt notice Tyler's scent on me.

"Thanks for telling me" I say as we pull apart.

"Remeber what I said if anything happens use your powers love" I nod my head.

I walk back to my room with Raven and Richard following me.

I lay on the bed and think about what happened today. I look out the window up and the moon.

"Beautiful isn't it" I turn around and there stands a woman with long brown hair and glowing red eyes which remind me of Richard's eyes. I was about to call my knights when she covered my mouth with her hand. She then snapped her fingers and removed her hand from my mouth.

"Richard" I shout.

"They cant hear you Samatha" I look at her how did she know my name?

She smilies at me "My name is Elena,you wouldn't know me beacuse you have forgotten who I am" she says as her wings shoot out her back. Her wings are black.

"Who were you then if I have forgotten you?"

"Im your bestfriend and sister" she smiles brightly. Even though she has red glowing eyes that look scary. She acts like she shes known me my whole life and would never hurt me.

We talk for a while. I hear a bang and I see Richard hads broke down my door.

"What are you doing Richard" I say standing in front of Elena.

"Elena what are you doing here?" he shouts. They know each other I thought.

Elena just walks over and hugs RIchard tightly.

"Brother you are always so mean to me" she pouts.

"What are you doing? Get out right now before I rip you to pieces"

Elena just smirks "Im here to take back Sam to her mate and bring back her memory which you erased"

"WHAT?" I shout and look at Jason.

 Jason eyes start to glow red which I have never seen before,before I can react Jason attacks Elena.





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