Figthing The King Alpha Part 4

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Sam P O V

"Ahhhhhhhhh" I screamed out as the pain went through my body.

I clutch my stomache and bite my lips from shouting out anymore.

"Hold on Sam"


"This heat is killing me and Tyler isn't here,I'm going to die soon" I said in my head to Brandon. I had gotten close to the voice in my head these days and his name is Brandon. Now to the main thing since Tyler bit me after a few days I went into heat. I didn't know what it was at frist but read the same werewolf book I had last time and found out what it meant.

I see the door swing open and Richard comes in with a glass of water looking concered. Jason had gone for a few days to take care of something but I'm not sure what. Raven had to go with Jason so it's just me and Richard and Richard has tried to calm me down these past days.

"Here Sam drink this" he says handing me the cool glass of water with ice in it. I swallow the water down and put the class down on the small table.

"I CAN'T TAKE ANYMORE OF THIS" I shout as another wave of pain goes througth me again.

Ricahrd holds me down "Try to remain calm then your powers will try to help with the heat and lessen the pain" he says worried.

"Sam I think I know a way to slow down your heat but it will sting for a bit"

"Do whatever you're thinking Brandon beacuse i can't take anymore of this" I say in my head.

I feel a wave of power comes over my body I feel the pain go away.

"Ahhh" I scream

Richard lookes worried and is trying to help me.

"Hand on the pain will go away soon"

"It will sting? more like hurt alot"

I calmed down atleast the heat is gone for now.

Richard sits in the chair next to my bed "At least Jason isn't here" I just nod my head. Only Richard knows about my mark and Raven. To tell the truth even though Tyler marked me by force I still miss him I hope I can see him one more time I thought.

"What are we going to do Richard?" I say as I rub my eyes and look at him.

"I don't know my Queen I can't betray My King again" he says.

"Hey,Hey" I turn and see Elena climb out the window. Richard glares at her "What are you doing here if Jason was here you'd be ripped to shreds" she just rools her eyes and comes to my bed.

"I've told Tyler to come here and about your heat" she says then winks at me "You'll be fine" I look over to Richard "Can you leave us alone please?" I say. Richard look between me and elena then nods his head "I'll be in the hall call me if you need anything" I nod my head and Richard gently closes the door.

"Elena could you tell me or show me about my past a bit more?" Elena looks a bit nervous but nods her head "Only a little beacuse it'll be hard for you to cope with it.

She put her hand on my head and I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over.

I blink and I'min a dark hall. I make my way to a door at the end of the hall. I open it and I suddenly feel somehting hit my head hard and I faint.

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw I was tied to a chair with Jessica other the other side unconscious.She had cuts everywhere and was bleeding everywhere. Tears came ot my eyes,how could Jason do this? I looked up and I saw Jasmine smirking I can't believe she would betray us. I heard footsteps and Jason came down with a smile on his face. He walks up to me he gently brushes his hand on my cheek. "I missed you Samatha" I glare at him "I haven't missed you at all freak" anger clouded his eyes the next thing I knew I felt a sting on my cheek. He slapped me! "Don't annoy me Samatha you've caused all of this, if you hadn't ran away and just done as I asked. He calms down and looks at me again "I also have a little suprise for you Samatha" he snaps his fingers and a couple of guard bring a man and woman and throw them towards us. I can't believe it. It's my mother and father they're battered and brusied they're also unconsious. "Aren't you happy Samatha?" Before I can say anything.


I huge sound goes upstairs.Jason looks upstairs then at me. "I'll be back,Jasmine watch them" Jason goes upstairs. I wish Tyler was here I thought. I hear a snap in front of me I look up and I see Jasmine's body on the floor lifeless I look up and I see a pair of green eyes. I can't believe it. It couldn't be him.

I suddenly sit upright on the bed with a worried experssion on Elena's face "Are you okey Sam?"

"What did you see?" she asks me.

What was that Jason can't I mean wouldn't do that. He loves me he would never hurt the people I love. I g;are at Elena "I think you need to check your powers,they aren't working probably" I say as I sit up and go the the bathroom.

Outside I hear Elena's voice "What does that mean?" I shake my head. I walk over to the shower and I wash my hair and body then get out of the shower. I put the clothes on that Elena left for me even though I acted liek that she still cares I thought. I get dressed. I wear the white dress that goes to my knees and black pumps Elena left for me. I hear a knock "Yes?" I say "My Queen Jason has arrived"

"I'll be right there" I hear a "ok" and footsteps then a sound of a door being closed. I dry and brush my hair and then I go outside to the hall to meet Jason.

When I open the door to the Throne Room Jason smiles at me and hugs me kissing my bare shoulder then pulling away "How are you My Queen?" he says smiling at me. "I'm fine" he smiles but then frowns "Why is your scent diffrent?" he looks at me and then his eyes narrow. I notice he's looking at my mark. I quickly put my hand over it "Don't worry we'll get it removed" I look at him and frown "Removed?" he smirks "We'll burn it off you or something" I look at him in horror. How could he say that was the vision I had really true? I thought

"Now go to your room I will talk to you later" Jason voice snaps me out of my thoughts. He goes to walk away but Jason I feel like I have forgotten something I think Tyler is my mate and I frogetting some things"Jason please tell me" I plead as I hug him. My memories are all jumbled up. I love both Jason and I have feeling for Tyler even thought I know him a little. I have to know what these feeling are I thought Jason turns and hugs me back "I'm sorry Samatha I can't tell you anything his voice cracks. He leans down and kisses me I bite his lip hard and I pull away and shove him away hard.Bad Move. I run to my room "SAMATHA" I hear and then he smashes my door door his eyes are glowing and his wings are spread full length.

In the coner of my eyes I see a door open.

"Sam I'll help you just listen to me"

I run to the door with Jason right behind me.

I run along a hall I hear doors slam close behind me and Jason shouting me name. Brandon must have done it.

"That was close good thing I'm with you always"

"What do you mean?

"Come out so I can see you" I say trying to look where the voice is coming from.

"I cannot show you myself yet,I'm how do I say this? I'm inside you, I see everything you see and feel everything you feel"

I'm speechless "I thought you were a ghost"

"I've been with you since birth. I died when you were only little. Your powers are awakening and you're becoming stronger.

"So you're like a ghost living inside me?"


"So you're my brother and I'm stuck with you with some sort of bond?"

"Pretty Much,Yes"



I turn around to the noise I back away from the door.

"Don't worry Samatha I'm right here with you,I'll try to protect you"

I hear a loud bang and huge pieces of wood are flying in everywhere. My wings wrap around me protecting me from the wood.

There stands my knights and Jason.





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