Fighting The King Alpha part 6 New Begining

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Fighting The King Alpha


I clutch Tyler body to mine he's lost so much blood. THe blood covers my whole body as I hug hime staining my white dress.I look up and I see Jason he looks at me shocked probably beacuse he can see the haterd I have towards him now.

"Remember my words Jason you'll pay soon Jason" with that I fly out of his sight.

Chapter One

"I do"

"You may now kiss the bride" The priset says.

Tyler and Sam lean froward and kiss passionately cheers and whistles  surround all around them. Tyler and Sam pull away "I love you Sam" Sam looks looks at Tyler and smiles "I love you more" with that Tyler carries her bridal style. Sam throws the bouqent she's holding and lands in someones hand in the crowd.

They get in the car and ride to their new home saying goodbye to the pack.

Sam P O V

I lay my head on Tyler's naked chest enjoying the feeling "We can finally be toegther" Tyler smiles and rests his hand on my stomach "Of course and we'll grow our pups to be strong and wise like us" I giggle I kiss him on the cheek "I don't think I can live without you Tyler" I said.

I was pregnant with twins a boy and a girl. We haven't thought of the names just yet.We moved into a new house to have a new beginning we were still near the pack house though.

"I wouldn't be able to live without you either my love" Tyler says stroking my hair. I snap out of my thoughts and smile "Can we visit my parents tomorrow?" I ask Tyler.

"Sure now rest we also have a pack meeting tomorrow" I frown "What is it about?" I ask you can recognize the fear in my voice "Don't worry Sam I don't think it's anything important" with that Tyler rests his head on my head and relaxs. What could the meeting be about? I thought. I had dreams of Jason being alive but that couldn't be true beacuse they had found his body.

"Maybe it was someone else?"

"No I don't think so they said they saw his face" I say in my head.

"Still I feel something's going on and something must be imortant that they have called you two to the pack meeting too beacause they normally try not to bother you"

"I have the feeling something is going on too but it's probably nothing and how come you haven't talked to me in a while?" I say.

I wait and listen for Brandon to respond but it's quite and I feel the connection get cut again. Bradon is my brother that is inside me he protect me. He hasn't spoken to me for a while sometimes maybe a little about the pack but otherwise it's quite I sometimes forget his even there now. I miss him to tell the truth I wish I could actually see him. I think I did once when I had a met an awful girl called Gemma I don't know what her problem was but she attacked me for no reason.

I just pushed all my thoughts away and relaxed in Tyler's arms letting sleep take over me.


"Tyler shut up the alarm please" I say to tried to get up. I hear and little click and feel arms wrap around me. At least he didn't break it like the last one he threw it at the wall last time. I chuckle to myself as I remebered that time "Good morning my beautiful mate" Tyler hugs me tighter and kisses my cheek playing with my hair. I turn around and Tyler let go of my hair amd start storking my cheek. He leans in and kisses me it's gets heated quickly but I pull away knowing where this was going "We have to go to the pack meeting and meet my parents" I say panting he frows and he looks so cute.

"Fine but we'll finish when we get back you" he gets up walks to the bathroom embarrassed I look away I hear a chuckle then "You can join me if you want" I grab a pillow and throw it at him but he shuts the door and it fall ont the floor "It's not like we haven't seen each other before" I turn red. Even though I he's my mate and we love each other I still sometimes get embarrassed. I smile to myself.I put my hand on my stomach where my babies are sleeping I was so happy to find out about my twins I can't wait until they come. They will looks like us and become strong Alphas/immortals. The pack doctor said one would be a werewolf and one a vampire. But he wasn't sure.

Few minutes later Tyler comes out and I go have a quick shower and she Tyler fully dressed now standing there I hug him from behind and go over to me closet when I see arms wrap around me and kisses my hair. Tyler then lets go and I put on my clothes.

I put a green tank top on with jeans and a jacket and put on my black pumps. I put on a pink lip gloss and light pink eyeshow and a little bit of mascarra. I tie my curly wavy hair in a ponytail and it lays on my side. I put on some light perfume and grab one of my bags "You ready Tyler?" I say checking myself in the mirror to see if everything is alright. Tyler comes out of our room and hugs me from behind "Ready beautiful" he says smiling gently at me.

We head to our garage. Tyler opens the passgenger door for me and I get in and wear my seatbelt. Tyler closes the door and gets in the drivers seat and closes the door and starts the car.

(At The Pack House)

I get off the car and we head to the pack house I knock on the door and I'm greeted by Jessica my bestfriend and sister. I hug her. We walk into a hall and all the pack memebrs and Alphas are there. This must really be important if the whole pack is here and Alphas from other places. I see Mark and his coven at the back of the room. Mark's eyes meet mine and he smiles gently at me I return the smile but feel arms wrap around me. Tyler is really possessive but I still love him.

I haven't seen this many people in the pack since when Tyler had a pack meeting about when I was going to join beacuse of Jason and the time when we found about our twins. I rake a seat next to Jessica. Justin is on the other side and he smiles at me. Tyler sits next to me of course and we listen to what the other Alphas have to say.

One of the Alphas from the Red Moon stands up and speaks "A few a lot of our pack members are found dead or missing.A strong coven filled with vampires and rogues is near our lands but no one can catch them or anything......

I can't hear what the others things where just banging and ringing in my ears I clutch my ear and I feel faint I feel my self fall but arms prevent me from hitting the ground I can't seem to open my eyes.

"What's happening to her?Get help quick!" I hear my mates voice

"Hang on Sam" with that I let the darkness take over me as it drags me down.

I open my eyes. I'm in a forset with a few of pack memebers. I've seen them before. They run past me but a some ind of force knocks them to the ground. I look over my shoulder and gasp Jason and my knights are standing there there eyes are glowing and their wings spread out full length there aura is also dark the I can feel the enegry of the magic and I don't like it.

Jason walks over to a man and grabs his collor. I run to him try to grab his hand but my hand goes right through them "Why don't you save yourself by telling me what I want to know but first "Where is my Luna,my Samatha" he says tightening his grip on the mans throat and he's in the air and claling at Jason's hands for him to let go but Jason just stands there "I will never betray the Luna" he says and with that a sickening crack his body fall lifeless on the ground. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand tears run down my cheek.

Jason turns to the other memeber and says a spell suddenly the memebers scream and cough up blood. Jason justs smirks and walks away with my knights. Why? when everything was falling into place?





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