Red carpet

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Finn Hudson, who didn't know him. He's Hollywoods biggest actor. He has everything anyone could ask for watches,jewellery, planes, mansions, villas, all the cars you could dream of. In a way he hated money but at the same time he loved it. He had a red carpet walk to do tonight, he was excited for it because come on it's the red freaking carpet. He showered, shaved.
For all the money he had, he never had maids or servants running about after him, the only person he devoured was his assistant Rachel. She loved him and he loved her (as friends) he put on his dress trousers and belt, he was just about to put on his shirt when his gate buzzer started ringing. He ran over and answered it
"Yeah Puck?" He asked
"Rachel is on her way up boss" he said
"Thanks buddy I'll let her in" he said putting down the buzzer.
He heard a faint chap
"It's open!" He shouted
Rachel let herself in, she coughed at the smell of aftershave coming from his living room. She looked around to see Finn almost ready, he had his shirt on but he was struggling with his tie
"Let me help you goofy" she said walking towards him
She done his tie, after tying it she stepped back a little to see the tall gorgeous man in front of her.
"There we go handsome" she said fixing his suit jacket
"Are you coming tonight,after all you are my assistant" he asked
"Yes but I'll be at the back, I don't want to be acknowledged" she says simply making her way to the kitchen to get some orange juice
"You should be acknowledged, you do all the work for me, and I get all the attention, that's just...." he tailed off
"My job" she finishes
He looks at her with sympathy in his eyes. He leans down to kiss her cheek. They always did that with each other.
Just then the buzzer went off again
He went over to answer it
"Yes puck?" He asked with sarcasm
"Limo buddy" puck said
"Me and Rachel will be down In a minute" Finn said

He made his way to Rachel
"Limos here" he said
"Let me get my purse" she said making her way to get her purse off the couch. She bent over and her ass was showing through the dress, Finns eyes widened. He felt a bulge in his trousers. He was trying so hard not to let Rachel see. He pretty much ran down the stairs with Rachel and made his way into the limo
Was he  really  getting hard over his best friend?

Hey guys hope you enjoyed my first chapter I'll update as much as I can- love ya ❤️

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