Chapter 55

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(6 years later)

Finn POV

"Evangeline! Come on sweetie, we don't want to be late for auntie Nicola and Oscar!" I shout as I drink the last of my coffee that Rachel poured out for me.

That's right, me and Rachel and now married. I'm still an actor and Rachel is still my assistant. Nicola and Oscar is still together, I can't believe she's 19 now! Wow time has flew by.

Evangeline in 6 now, big and cheeky!

My thoughts get interrupted by Rachel walking into the kitchen smiling.

"Hey babe, why so happy?" I ask

"I'm pregnant!" She says letting all of her excitement out, I immediately hug her tight and kiss her all over

"That's great!" I manage to say, letting the tears flow down my face. Evangeline is going to be so happy, having a little sibling .

Evangeline walks into the kitchen in her white summer dress with little cherries on it, she walks over and asks why we are hugging

"Your going to be a big sister honey" Rachel says

Evangeline lights up like a lightbulb and hugs me and Rachel tightly.

"Come on sweetie, we are meeting auntie Nicola" I say lifting her outside and into the car. Me and Rachel get in the front and drive to Nicolas house

When we pull up Evangeline immediately unbuckled her seatbelt and ran up to the door and knocked waiting impatiently for her auntie the answer.

Suddenly Nicola opened the door and lifted Evangeline up into her arms, Oscar standing behind her. Did I forget to mention that they live together?

Me and Rachel walk up and hug them both, we enter and sit down whilst Evangeline goes and sits with the dog, Whisper.

It was extremely cold today as it was December 23rd so Nicola had the fire on, Rachel blurts out that she's pregnant again which causes a huge scream from Nicola.

"Omg really?!" She asks hugging us both

"Yep, we found out this morning" Rachel says smiling

"Well I would like to add another good thing to today's list if I may?" Oscar added, getting a confused look from everybody

Suddenly he bent down on one knee and pulled out a little black box from his back pocket, opening it revealing a beautiful gold engagement ring

"Nicola, where do I start? I've been with you since we were 13 and I've never regretted one second being with you, so in return I would like to ask.... will you Nicola Berry marry me?" Oscar asked with a twinkle in his eyes

Nicola flew off the couch and hugged him, kissing him with everything she had

"Of course I will" she said as he placed the ring in her finger

We all reunited in a group hug, Evangeline included.

"This is the best Christmas present ever!" I say into the hug

2 years later

Well we have 2 kids, Evangeline and John. John is 2 and Evangeline is 8. I couldn't have asked for a better life.

Nicola is happily married with Oscar and is expecting their little boy really soon.

This has been an extraordinary ride from the first time I met Rachel and Nicola to where we are now.

Honestly I'm sitting here right now in my children's bedroom telling them a
Story about how me and Rachel fell in love.

Nicola has helped me through so much, Oscar too. He's helped so much with her aswell

Rachel walks in and sits on johns bed opposite me on Evangeline's

They are both asleep now

"Look at them both" says Rachel admiring our two kids

"I couldn't have done any of this without you" She says getting her hands in mine

"Well, better get used to it" I say kissing her

"I love you" she says as we walk out closing the door quietly

"I love you more" I say

"If you say so" She says as we snuggle up on the couch last looking at the photo albums of our kids through the years

This is my life and I love it,
I wouldn't change a thing

Hey guys! Well that's the end, I'm sorry if it was rushed. It's been an amazing journey for this book honestly. You guys make me complete and you guys accept my writing for who I am. So thank you so much. Please comment your honest opinions,I'm going to be focusing on my other finchel book now. I hope you loved it as much as I did. I love you all,
Nicola 💕❤️💝💖❣️

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