Chapter 5

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Rachel POV
My heart is racing right now. I love Finn, I would choose him but there's no point because there's never going to be a me and him. Jesse is being a jerk towards him. They both think I'm THEIR property of some sort.
I don't know who to choose
I looked at Finn then Jessie then back to Finn, I keep doing that.
Until Finn speaks
"The limo is here"
I'm panicking now. It's only to the party. It's not as if I'm running away with one of them.
"I'm going with...." I trailed
"Who?" Jesse and Finn said in unison.
"Finn" I said proudly walking over to Finn interlocking our arms
Finn winked.
"You will both be sorry. I wouldn't have dated a slut like you anyway. Your a piece of sh-" Jessie shouted
Just then I felt Finns arm release and he ran over to Jessie and pinned him up against the brick wall. Holding Jessie's jacket with tight fists.
"Don't you ever talk to her like that again! Or ever for that matter! DO YOU HEAR ME?!" Finn shouted
Jessie nodded in fear.
"I think you owe my princess an apology" Finn said still holding him by the backboard f his neck
"In your dreams you bastard!" Jessie shouted
Finn yet again punched him square in the face 3 times in a row. At this point Jessie was bleeding all over. Finn through him on the ground and started kicking him.
"Finn... he's not worth it come on, let's go to the party" I said calmly putting my hand on his shoulder
Finn nodded and left Jessie trying to get up.
We get into the limo
"Sorry for the holdup driver. I forgot my purse, so I had to run back to get it" I said
"No problem honey... to the party!" He shouted and we drove off
Finn was tense from the fight I could tell. I put my hand on his knee. He looked at me, I looked at him. We were gazing into each other's eyes.
"Thank you" I whispered
"For what" he asked
"Kicking that assholes butt" I said
"Just protecting my princess. " he smiled and kissed my cheek
I lay my head on his chest and he was stroking my hair. God I loved when he done that.
"Do you think I'll ever find love?" He asked out of the blue
I'm a way I was hurt when he asked that.
"Yes. Of course! Behind all the cameras and lights you are a brilliant and intelligent man. If anyone denies you of that they are not your true love Finn" I said hoping he would tell me he loved me.
"Thanks rach. Now I know why I love you" he said
I didn't know if he was saying it in a way that I wasn't meant to take seriously. I just smiled. My head was still on his chest, I could hear his heart beating, it was going fast
"Why is your heart beating so fast?" I ask
"Because I'm with you" he whispered so that I couldn't hear but if you didn't know I have amazing hearing. My heart fluttered but ipretended I didn't hear what he said
"Huh" I asked playing dumb
"Oh uh.. probably me just calming down after the fight you know" he said shakily
I thought about what he said. He clearly didn't want me to hear him the first time but I did
"Party time" the driver said
Me and Finn got out of the car and into the huge house where the party was going to be held

Your welcome! Another chapter soon. Any shoutouts leave below in the comments love ya ❤️💖💕😘

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