Chapter 24

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Rachel POV

"Let's go!" Finn shouted helping Nicola up.

Thank god I'm out of there, I'm so happy that my mum and sister now live here. It means I can see them whenever.

I'm so happy about them moving here because to be totally honest I had nobody except Finn, all my friends are always working when I'm off and when they are off I'm working.

My thoughts got disturbed by Finn

"You ok?" He said as he tried opening the door of the factory.

He sat Nicola down to open the door. I leaned down to her aching body

"I'm sorry"'I said holding back the tears

"For what?" She asked confused

"For dragging you into this mess and now because of me your ribs are probably broken and you got stabbed in the leg" I said through tears

"I dragged myself into this mess and to be honest I'd do it all again, the main thing is that you are out of that shitehole" she said

"I'm happy you and mum are here now" I said helping her up

"Me too" she said hugging me

Finn let Nicola wrap her arm around his shoulder to walk, she was limping and so was Finn, he's probably got broken ribs aswell but he passes through it

We got to another door and Finn busted it open with his leg.

When we got out, we were in the middle of nowhere. Brilliant. We need to get to a hospital like asap.

We made our way though the woods and to our surprise there was a little road for cars to pass.

Finn clocked a car and motioned for it to stop and it did.

"Excuse me sir, we have a family member who has brutally been battered and has a bleeding wound, could I use your phone by any chance?" Finn asked pleadingly

As soon as the man heard, he gave Finn his phone and Finn dialled an ambulance

"Sir, where are we?" Finn asked

"Maple wood, road" the man answered

The man got out of his car and made his way over to us.

"What age are you sweetie?" He asked Nicola

"13" she simply replied

"Gods sake, who did this to you?" He asked again

"Jesse st James and Ashley warrenhall" Nicola said holding her leg

"Right well the police and the ambulance will be here soon ok? Can you wait till then?" He asked smiling

"Yeah." She replied happy

"Who's this young lady?" He asked looking at me

"I'm Rachel her big sister" I replied slowly

"You two really do look like each other, whos the guy?" He asks curiously

"He's my boyfriend" I say

"He's a very nice boy by the way" he said smiling

Finn made his way back over to us.

"Thank you sir, for everything" Finn said shaking the mans hand

"You look familiar, you look like that actor guy that my daughter never shuts up about" he said laughing

"Finn Hudson?" Finn asked

"Yes! That's the name" the man replied

"I am Finn Hudson sir" Finn replied smiling

The old man nearly had a heart attack.

"Can I get a photo by any chance?" He asked

"Of course" Finn replied taking the photo

"Thank you for our time mr Hudson" the man said once again shaking Finns hand. Then he was gone.

Finn bent down to me and Nicola.

Nicola could see the chemistry, I knew her too well.

"Go on" Nicola said

Me and Finn furrowed our eyebrows in confusion

"Huh?"  Finn replied confused

"Kiss stupid" she replied laughing but soon stopped holding her ribs

Me and Finn looked at each other.

Just as he looked into my eyes we leaned in and our lips connected.

I could sense that Nicola was fangirling over this, I'm confused tho because she never fangirls about kissing and stuff

"Finally!" Nicola says

We parted our lips and looked at Nicola

"There's the ambulance" I said

The ambulance crew rushed over to Nicola and lifted her into the ambulance. Me and Finn followed.

"Are any of you two hurt at all?" The ambulance man asked me and finn

"I got beat in the ribs with a baseball bat" Finn said lifting his top up to show the man the bruises.

"Wow" the man said

They were taking to Nicola to see what hurted and sorted her wound

Once we got to the hospital we all kind of went different ways

Nicola went into one room and Finn got taken into the other, I was left sitting in the waiting room so I decided to call my mum since she knew nothing of this

"Hi mum, we are at the hospital. I got kidnapped and Nicola and my boyfriend too. Nicola has broken ribs and a stab wound, she's fine." I say quickly

"I'm on my way honey" my mum says as she hangs up the phone

About 10 minutes later my mum burst through the door and ran to me.

"Are you ok? Wheres Nicola?" She asked

"I'm fine, Nicolas in the room getting stitches and her ribs are getting treated" I say

"Who done this?" She asked

"Don't worry the police have already arrested them both" I say sitting down

"Why about your boyfriend?" She asked sitting down also

"He's getting his ribs checked" I say simply

I hope this will be over soon

Hey people! Guys please comment and say what you think about the book, I would love to hear what you guys think! Love you all 💝💖💕❤️😘

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