Chapter 31

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Finn POV

Me and Rachel snuggled on my couch all night, it just felt so amazing to have her back in my arms again. I know it sounds cheesy but it's true.

It was now 10pm, we were both wide awake and bored.

Nicola phoned and said that she got home safe and thanked me again for the phone. She also said that she would be round tomorrow.

I really love that girl, she's so special. She's the one who I have a brilliant relationship next to Rachel.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked looking down at Rachel.

"I don't know sexy.... what do you want to do?" She asked very seductively

"Well you did say earlier that I would get a reward" I say lifting her onto my lap.

This was hands down my favourite position to put Rachel in. It turned me on so badly

She leaned in and kissed me, I literally thank my lucky stars that I have such a wonderful girlfriend as her

She trailed kisses from my lips down my neck, I was growing hard, nobody gets how painful it is for a guy to get a boner

I felt her move her hand down to the bulge in my denims and started to slowly rub it

"God Rachel... please don't tease me" I said whilst kissing her

She pulled me down so that I was on top of her.

Without breaking the kiss I undone my belt.

Once my boxers were off, I slowly slid Rachel out of her dress, I slowly slid my hand up her inner thigh

A loud moan escaped her lips.

I kissed my way up her inner thighs and reached her wet pussy.

I wrapped my mouth around it and started sucking it. Then slowly slid my tongue into it.

"Oh my god Finn!" Rachel moaned holding the back of my head forcing me to go deeper.

I walked over to my cabinet and pulled out a condom because believe me I've heard story's about girls on the pill and still got pregnant

It's not that I don't want a kid, I do but it's just not the right time. I need to go back to work in a couple days.

I slid the condom on and walked over to Rachel. I kissed all the way down her stomach.

I slid into her and thrusted fast and hard, Rachel kinda like rough sex. It didn't bother me at all.

"Oh god Finn! Your amazing! Don't stop!" Rachel screamed

I smiled and slammed into her with all of my strength left in me

I pretty much exploded at that point, I knew Rachel was close so I slammed into her one more time and her moan fulfilled the living room

I slid out of her and steadied my breathing

I took off the condom and as always I put it in the bin

"You know Nicola can never sit on this couch again right?" I said picking up my t shirt

"How?" Rachel said

"Well let's see Rachel? We just fucked on it" I said laughing

"Trust me Nicola will know" Rachel said smiling

I walked over to her and kissed her with all I had left in me. Once we picked up our clothes I lifted Rachel into my bed.

Once we got under the covers I wrapped my arm around Rachel and she snuggled into my chest

"Rachel. I might be too soon but will you move in with me?" I asked playing with her hair

"Of course" she says kissing me

Shortly after we both fell asleep exhausted.

{the next day}

I got woken up with the smell of bacon.

Rachel wasn't in bed, sometimes I wish I could wake up to her asleep next to me.

I walked into the kitchen to see Rachel in one of my button up shirts.

She was sitting on the counter drinking orange juice. Her face lit up when I came in

"Good morning baby" I said kissing her cheek

"Hello gorgeous" she said

She handed me my breakfast and we ate in a comfortable room silence

"I need to go and unpack my apartment and then go and see my mums
New husband" she said taking the dishes to the sink

"Alright babe" I said going to go and get changed

This is going to be good with Rachel moving in

Soz I haven't updated all today! What do you think of Nicola and her character?
Please comment what you thought of the chapter. This wasn't my best chapter but I've had writers block. Love you all 💖💕😘❤️💝

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